My new boys and girl!


Fish Addict
Mar 1, 2005
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Well here are the latest editions :D

This is Bug :rofl: He has huge eyes so thats why I named him Bug :lol: Oh, and I think hes a combtail. Can someone confirm that?


This is the new girl. She does not have a name yet. Any suggestions?


This is Panda. I think he is unique :wub: He is purple. I dont know how well you can tell with the picture though.


I also got one more boy but I couldnt get a good picture of him. I will post one when I can get one. I think im going to name him 'Tiny' I got him for free :D

Please let me know what you guys think! :*
they are beutiful fish, congrats on teh finds.

bug's eyes are very big, but this may not be natural, he may have pop eye, a half dose of melafix and clean water with an air hose will fix that up for him thogh :thumbs:
Oh no! Pop eye! Can I add bettafix instead of melifix? Also how does one get pop eye?
Thanks -_-
oohfeeshy please do make them brighter! I would love that! :D
Hey thanks :) And sorry I dont know how to resize... Whenever I try to do it the pictures still come out the same :unsure:
And can someone confirm that Bug is a combtail? And how exactly does a betta get popeye? Are we sure its popeye or maybe his eyes are just like that?
I really like Panda too. Ive never seen a purple betta before Panda :wub:
panda is definitely a cool color

your middle guy looks like he might have some blue coming in on his fins, is ti just the camera?
feralcelt2 said:
panda is definitely a cool color

your middle guy looks like he might have some blue coming in on his fins, is ti just the camera?
Which one are you talking about? The first pic is Bug, the second pic is the new girl whom dosesnt have a name and the last one is Panda. :D
Whiskerz said:
Oohfeeshy - You shoulda resized them too! :blink: :lol:
I put them on photobucket so they're 100k each, so I didn't see much point in resizing :p Besides, its only the betta you're interested in :p
Umwarranted bad attitude editted by poster. . . :p
Smaller pics would post faster for us poor dial-up schmoes.

He doesn't look like a combtail to me (I have 7 crowntails and plan to breed in the future.) He looks like he has some fin damage. It should heal up with clean water and TLC.

The pic is a tad blurry (not criticizing, my pics are always blurry.) SO he may have a combtail on the ends, but those large gaps definitely look like damage, if those are what makes you think combtail.
your middle guy looks like he might have some blue coming in on his fins, is ti just the camera?

the girl w no name shes a cutey!!!
Panda has no blue but Bug has some grey/blueish color :wub: Thanks for the compliments everyone :D

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