My New Betta

SRC said:
He is very pretty..I like his color alot.

You are in Canada..I think that is where Marianne is..or she has breeders who are there one.

You should go to and look at her stock. I just got an e-mail that she has updated recently...she ahs some for some very decent prices. I got my purple and yellow delta for $5.

Not allher fish are that cheap..but she has numerous style and colors for similar prices. She has crowns, delta's, and half moons.


Not to shabby for $5, huh? lol there's no s :p
Thanks ral and SRC...and thanks for the link ;)

Right now I don't have room for anymore bettas :S ..... I have the tanks just not the room :p but I'll take a look at the link some time :)
oh-oh, now i'm in trouble...i just went to that site and picked out another 4-5 that i want. ral, we need a bettas anonymous meeting stat!!
lol I don't know why I always want to put a silly "s" on the end of every website. It is a very bad habit of mine lol sorry for any confusion-s. :lol: :S

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