My New Baby Bettas


Jan 18, 2007
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So I now have lots of babies. Havent managed to get pictures yet, they are so small and at the back of the tank!!!!!!

So some questions..

1) When should I remove daddy?

2) I have bought some mirco worm paste stuff and some brine shrimp eggs, What do I do with them, they came with no instrustions!!!?

You should remove dad when the fry are free swimming ie not falling to the bottom of the tank. Some people do leave dad in the whole time, but there is a good chance he will eat his babies.
You must get your microworm culture going straight away. Make up some ready brek/ porridge oats with water not milk. Some people add yeast as well, but I've never bothered. put it into a plastic container [the ones that you get Chinese take away in,are great] It must have a lid, and make small holes in the lid with a hot needle.
Add the culture to the top, put on the lid and leave in a warm place. Just on the top of the tank works for me. You should have microworm crawling up the sides within a few days. I find it best if they go onto the lid underside as they can be collected without any of the oats, which will foul the tank. If it looks too dry, spray with a small amount of water. You can also add a few fish flakes for the microworm. You should add some dry oats to this culture every week.
Don't worry if after a few days the mix looks horrible. Just leave it and it should sort itself.
Ideally the culture should be made before you mate your fish, to be ready. As a stopgap, try liquifry No 1.

As to brine shrimp. I only really use the decap ones. Never had much success with the live. They will need this after about a week though, and they take 24 hours to hatch.
Hi thanks

I have got liquifry No 1.

So I just add the paste to the oats? NICE!!!

I spoke to someone and they said liquifry No 1 was fine but then I decided to get mirco worms.
The liquifry is really only any good for a couple of days. Make sure you don't give too much as the water will foul. Get your microworms going as soon as you can though. :good:
As to brine shrimp. I only really use the decap ones. Never had much success with the live. They will need this after about a week though, and they take 24 hours to hatch.

Ok, this may be a dumb question, but what do you mean by "decap" BBS? I never heard of that before.


Ok, 'decap' is decapsulated brine shrimp eggs. These have had the shell removed and all you have left are the dried baby brine shrimp. It comes in a sort of orange powder. You mix a very small amount with a small amount of water, leave it for 10 mins, then add it to the tank. Obviously these don't move around like the real thing, but the fry get used to them. There is no chance of them eating the shell which can cause problems and is a lot easier IMHO :rolleyes:
You can also culture microworms in cornmeal and water with a pinch of yeast on top, which seems to be less stinky than oats.

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