My New 8gal Nano

Does a fire fish need a bigger tank that 8gallons (uk) i heard they also jump??

think i'll be goin for a small goby :hyper:

One of my snails died the other day but it looked ill from the day i bought it! Also my red hermit crab has died :(

I put some of my mums shells she has in a varse for decoration into my tank for my blue hermit and its decided to choose one about 5 times bigger than its previous one. Its so funny to watch him in it! I'll try get some pics uploaded!

The whitespot on my clowns has nealry gone, i increase the temp upto 30 oC over a day and left it at that for a day and then decreased it bk to 26 and most of the whitespot has gone!
I think my tank is a aquavista or somthin like that.

My hermit is deff dead :( my boxer shrimp had it in its mouth! My snails have red bubble alge on ther backs. is this ok? i thinkit looks quite cool....
I think my tank is a aquavista or somthin like that.

My hermit is deff dead :( my boxer shrimp had it in its mouth! My snails have red bubble alge on ther backs. is this ok? i thinkit looks quite cool....

Found out my tank is called ViaAqua 418, took me over 2 months to find it!
Plenty of ventilation in the room until the fumes clear and I'd of tought it should be ok. Really depends how close it is.
Plenty of ventilation in the room until the fumes clear and I'd of tought it should be ok. Really depends how close it is.

Its a good 5 meters away and the rooms massive so should be ok! I've put a towel over the top to try decrease any fumes gettin it.... dunno if thats a good thing to do or not.
Not sure TBH your tank has a lid if I remember right, if so it should have stopped some of the problem.
Not sure TBH your tank has a lid if I remember right, if so it should have stopped some of the problem.

Nope doesnt have a lid! The fish are fine today :D

went to blue planet aqarium today, was quite cool.

I've recently got some frags of matt :D (thanks ) and i've also got some others. hopeing to get another piece of live rock for my tank on sunday on the way bk up to uni! Then i'll get lots of pics for everyone to look at :)

Heres an updated pic of my tank. I finaly got round to smashin up one of my pieces of live rock tp put in my external filter. What to peopl ethink of the new look? i also added a new piece of the eco rock to replace the one i smashed up :)

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