My New 8gal Nano

Only way to tell is to count the spines on the dorsal fin... TOUGH to do. 8 spines = False, 10 spines = true perc, 9 spines = hybrid
I like the black too... something on the dark side but still soo little fish! :hey:

Could you go in to a bit of detail about moving tanks after 4 times you should have some good tips

Your tank looks amazing. Sorry I don't actually have any saltwater stuff, but I love looking at the pictures of everbody elses
Thanks, I have moved mine once and what a pita, just one other thing how do you go about water changes with the rock so close to the top.

Oh yeah i love the tank :nod:
Adam, how do you keep your sun corals out in the day time and you not put them in caves at all? Ive got a big collony and the aint happy lol.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! :bday: so now go out and get yourself a new something on me... with your cash :drinks:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! :bday: so now go out and get yourself a new something on me... with your cash :drinks:
Thanks for the happy birthday's :) Think i'll o buy a few new things this week for my tank :)

Got home today after leavin my tank with my little brother for over a week and everythin is lookin tip top :)

N1z - I just feed my suncoral in the day and nw when ever i put some fodd in the tank it opens up. I turn all the pumps off when i feed it though and squirt food at it to make sure its feeding :)

Adambrum- The rock is fine out of the water for a few minutes for water changes. My rock doesnt get xposed to the air when i do water changes becuase i have an external filter when i take off and change that water.

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