Good luck with that little maxxima Adam, they're tough to look after
Good luck with that little maxxima Adam, they're tough to look after
Small clams are very difficult to care for because their vascular systems (which contain zooxanthellae) are not yet fully developed and as such baby clams are not very photosynthetic and usually require feedings of phyoplankton. Which in a nano-reef system can play havoc with the bio filter. Tricky business indeed. Usually when the clam reaches a shell length of 3-4 inches its more developed and can photosyntesize better.
if worse comes to worse adam you coul;d always buy a cheap air pump driven skimmer. Might not be that effective but its still something and also wiht a system as small as yours any skjimmer of size would just take everything out of the water.
I love this thread... your tank is really beautiful. Small but mighty! I've had freshwater for ages and am extremely tempted to go for a nano marine tank. It's just a case of finding a nook somewhere in the house to put one! Oh, and a load of research of course...
Keep up the good work and keep adding photos!