My New 4 Red Bellied Piranha

oh shiza ! its my bday on may 3rd, i have a big stand now and pump and filter and heater, why do i need these massive filters ?

and also when u say 4x2x2 do you mean 40"x20"x20"

Thanks and do you guys know were to get these tanks from with no stand ?

no 4*2*2 is in feet so 48"x24"x24"
they need massive filters because theyre massive waste producers
They eat a lot of high-protien food, so poo a lot of poo that breaks down into a lot of ammonia. The Wimpy internal filter you have ATM simply won't be able to cope with the waste they kick out. An adverage exturnal will go 6 months without a clean. On a tank full of adult Piranha it will need fortnightly attention :crazy: They are messy fish that need big filter to cope with them :nod:

As truck says above, 4X2X2 is 48X24X24 in inches. Red Bellies get to 1 foot in length as adults, and the guideline is 4X the fishes length for tank length and twice the fishes length for tank wideth and height. Obviously, being large and fast fish, they would benefit from more than the guideline recomends :nod:

Any LFS should either carry them or order one in for you via a nominal deposit of about £100...

All the best
what would happen if i bought a 119 gallon fish tank ?
As above, realy with large fish, it's all about footprint (the size of the bace and hence swimming room) not capacity. :good:
the dimentions are in inches

lengh - 48 inches
width - 24
height - 24
im new what are fx5 ? and i have a limit of money tbh wont piranha adapt to there surroundings tho ? link me to filters and tanks then plz
im new what are fx5 ? and i have a limit of money tbh wont piranha adapt to there surroundings tho ? link me to filters and tanks then plz
no fish wont adapt to their surroundings in a few years, it takes centuries

then look around for a tank.

i personally think you should take them back, we told you in another thread that minimum tank size would be 150 gallons
whats thw point, my bday is may 3rd so i can buy a new tank then. is that like the best filter casue they r very expensive
That size tank is the munimum for a small group. Idealy, a tank of the dimentions Truck surgests would be better, but you can get away with 48X24X24...

The FX5 is basically Fluvals biggest exturnal filter. It is cheap to buy, but the build quality is supposed to reflect this... They work well, no doubt about it, but it hasn't been about long enough to judge reliability. I'd mebe go Eheim 2080, but I understand your budget is tight? Eheim's have a reputation as the best filters about, but price reflects that. Whichever you choose out of the FX5 and 2080, ideally you will want a pair of either.

Both can be picked up from Ebay or Aquaessentials on-line, and most LFS's can get them in to order.

All the best

PS, if you thought the FX5 was pricy, you may which to sit down when you look up the Eheim 2080, you are in for a shock :lol:

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