My My What An Expensive Fish

Most my fish have been quite cheap so far, to be honest I've probably spent more on the plants than fish at the moment!

i paid £150 for my female motoro and £100 for my male

Was bit suprised to see my local maidenhead aquatics with a tank of 4 of these today - £150 each too, looked beautiful tho :good:
$450.00 for a Australian Lungfish

$350.00 for a Leopoldii stingray
£4 for a Red Veiltail Betta. lol

Am splashing out next week. 3 Pitbull Plecs @ £9.50 each.

hmm... our group of 5 zebs...... for an Individual fish, that would be the 6th we added. :)

Still not as much as ASD's spend though (it would be "nowadays")
my most expensive thing so far is my peecock eal i paid a whole 10 dollars for him!!! hes so cute!! and only like 3 inches long the little sweety hes a nice one too so far hasn't touched a single neon tetra !!!
$13 for each of my 5 Boeseami Rainbows :rolleyes: . Mom though I was crazy for buying them, cuz they were 1.5" long and had no color but now they are absolutely gorgeous and just gave my tons of fry :wub: .
$35 on a half grown featherfin syno which died in a power outage the next day... But of the fish I own now

$30 Australian $ for a African Butterfly fish and $30 and a USD catfish...I think zebra kutu variation...expensive $ for fish in Aus
Basically i get my rare bettas from those aquariums that are moving location so i get a heck of a discount.
My endlers are all FREE as some i got from a friend and some from those aquariums i mention in the above line.

The most expensive fish i got was my 2 red whiptails(Loricaria sp.), which was 18 Singapore Dollars each.
i was quite shocked when i asked the shopkeeper about the ancistrus and the sailfin he said that it was 15 Sing dollars and 1 Sing dollars respectively.
$35 (CDN) for my angel, will be spending $30 on an Anostomus Anostomus in a bit and getting my checkboard cichlid a girlfriend so that will be $30 all together for the both of them, ummm oh wait my 3 parrots cost $120 if you add them all up but I only had to pay for one ($40) :p

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