My Mudskipper Paludarium

this brings me back to my foam working days building my vivariums. so much work but it pays off in the end! looks awesome! most of these fish guys have probably never seen someone work with foam and grout! its a fairly straightforward process but just takes time!

you tank looks awesome and those mud skippers are so cool!!!! well done, very well done!
Wow a true artist. Are you into sculpting that tree you made is great. I love it. Those are some lucky mudskippers. You you try some different types of moss like star moss.

Thank you, snowflake311.
I do some sculpting, nothing professional though.
I have a good feeling about mosses in brackish. All of the three varieties I have put in there, have started to grow well. Riccia, java, Pellia. I will pick up more anytime I come across any. Thanks for your suggestion.

That DIY backing is simply sublime! Definately glad i saw this before i cement mine together, going to tweak it a little! Subscribtion to this thread - yes please.

you must be chuffed with it, i would be. Lucky lil mudskippers!

Good to hear you were inspired by some of it. Be sure to give me a wink when you get yours on the way!

I'm pretty happy with the tank, yes, but would like to get the plants to work for me some more than they do at the moment.

this brings me back to my foam working days building my vivariums. so much work but it pays off in the end! looks awesome! most of these fish guys have probably never seen someone work with foam and grout! its a fairly straightforward process but just takes time!

you tank looks awesome and those mud skippers are so cool!!!! well done, very well done!

So true, no magic in it. A bit of practice.
I'm so gonna make me an HQI photographing light.

I hate the colors in these, but here you go:





Mosses rule.
Have you concidered putting a couple of crypts in the submerged water sectio nat the bottom. I think they would look good, not too many though, perhaps one or two.

Looking fantastic as ever.
Have considered. There is some C. pontederifolia and C. wendtii "Mi oya" planted emersed. They just don't grow too well. At least in a couple of the last shots they can be seen on the upper pools.

Very small leaves so far...
This is amazing :D
Those are some very lucky mudskippers, they must be so happy in there

For what I can tell of them keeping up their 'skippering, they seem to be doing ok.
Prob already said it before but........AWESOME
Good idea, Anubias. In another tank I have Anubias that wants to grow emersed. Might work in this one, also.

Meanwhile. Someone's doped my Samolus. I went away for a week and here's what it's come up with:



It keeps getting bigger and shooting more flower stems


The first plant that really seems to like it in this tank.
Well, Vals have finally acclimated, I guess, since they are spreading quite well

Also, the black mangrove propagules are showing very promising growth in one of those Riparium Supply planters:
And the full Paludarium shot? What's wrong with you? No pictures?

Wow is that a new aquarium then :rofl:

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