My Mother Came Home With Two Tubs Full Of Plants...


New Member
May 11, 2008
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Toledo, OH
In one tub is Hornwort, or ''Coontail''. Which i've had before from her friend at work.
This time she's given me some plants that need to root into the gravel - and i have no idea what it is. It was a pain to just find where the end and the tips were in some cases, and i put a good amount into my tank, along with the hornwort. I have a 10 gallon with two catfish + some, so it was nice to have something the two catfish could find some sort of cover in since they pick on eachother a little!

My mother's friend has a tank and when she thins it down every month she gives me the plants or fish if her fish have a fry. (usually fancy guppies, which i currently have the mother of them.) I'm just not sure of what it is, and I don't know how i'm gonna get rid of it all to be honest. I might just take it into my class and put them in some of the tanks. Her friend has a 80 gallon, so she gets sooo much of it.

The only question is -- what is this exactly? o_o;


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Hygrophyla difformis. A nice hardy stemplant. At least that's what I think it is based on the pictures.


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