My Master Plan

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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I agree 100% with you too BM. As I'm not a very 'old' member here...I find it hard to get in on the 'action' of this board by posting stuff about my bettas, etc. because it seems, I dunno. I try to stay out of controversy, etc. and don't want to get 'kicked out' so to say, for a harmless mistake of posting a word or something that's taboo. :/
Well you know I agree with you... we've discussed that one. :lol: It is getting a little insane with everything... but it seems that some of the problem people have left. There are just those few people who take things too personally whenever we say anything, and that's what's giving us a bad name. "OH, you're so rude!!" Gimme a break.

I'm afraid to post a lot of stuff too. I mean, I would start going off on the fact that the boy and I just got home from Walmart and all their goldfish STILL have Ich, weeks after we saw them with it the first time. And I'm sure they're still selling them to all those unsuspecting people who don't know any better.

Ah well... better days I guess... right, BM? :shifty:
:angel: And now back to the original topic...a tip from someone who recently painted...Do not stop in the middle to take a few days off. I have yet to get back to finish my daughters' room. :sad:

And as far as people being rude...a lot of the trouble comes with not being able to hear each others' tone of voice. I know I have typed something in either a sarcastic or joking manner and then had to edit because on rereading, it sounded rude. Then again, sometimes rudeness is called for, and deserved.

As long as the language stays clean and things don't get out of line...I think we should be able to say whatever.

So, "Walmart Sucks Walmart Sucks Walmart Sucks" does get a little old. I still like to hear about the times when a difference is made. Some of you are my heroes for things like that. I am too afraid of confrontation to be like you. If I can;t read about it, I might start to think that no one does anything anymore.
I have to date bought the following:
1 orange minibow
1 lime minibow
1 purple minibow
1 blue minibow is on the way
5 25W heaters
lots and lots AND LOTS of coordinating flat marbles
some of those fun rubbery anemone things that sway in the water
an ADF named Plankton
OH! And a new betta named Patrick, just for fun.

I picked up all the paint last night and got all the new tanks set up so the boys can start settling into their new homes.

4 more boys to buy tanks for and get setup, and we'll be in business.
OH, I need to pic up the shelves too.
No new pics cuz I haven't done anything new with the room yet so....
Wait, I never showed a *before* picture did I?Well, here it is:

Yes, I do know it's a total pigpen. It doesn't help that I have been piling stuff up on his bed for days while he was gone to prepare for the makeover.

Saucy and I are painting on Friday. I'll post some *during* pics later.
LOL, love the subtle purchases :D An adf and another betta :rolleyes: Just thought I'd shout that out for anyone who missed it :D
LoL, Way to go BettaMomma! With the new betta and stuff ;)

My old room *at the homestead aka parents* was a pigpen....also because it was about as big as a medium sized bathroom as it was originally an office. You couldn't open the door all the way because the bed was too long :p Now I have my step-brothers' old rooms....muaha! I guess if I move back it's not too bad, I have 'living space'...for me and my fish ;) The one room I really don't use's more storage space for me...and my romance novels :D

When my brother was up here.....*the only s.bro I count* it was worse than your son's room, even with all you put on the bed. Your son's room looks clean compared to what my brother had his room as :whistle:
Yay!! I can't wait to do some painting... just tell me you've cleaned up in there :lol:. My room isn't quite that bad... minus the 50 pounds of sand in a rubbermaid in my room... hehe. And random fish/reptile/computers stuff strewn around the floor. I need to clean tomorrow.
Saucy said:
Yay!! I can't wait to do some painting... just tell me you've cleaned up in there :lol:. My room isn't quite that bad... minus the 50 pounds of sand in a rubbermaid in my room... hehe. And random fish/reptile/computers stuff strewn around the floor. I need to clean tomorrow.
Heck no!!! I have added twice as much stuff to that room! heh heh heh
I am going in there today, actually, with several garbage bags and I will not be coming out without them being overflowing, lemme tell ya. The only way to get that kid to get rid of anything is to just do it for him and not tell him. :p

The shelves (For the really tall one) I believe were 80$, then like 70, 60, etc. on down for the ones with one less compartment. At this point, I am leaning toward getting the 5 compartment one and a 4 compartment one. That should be just the right amount of spaces, given that I can also put one on a nightstand and stuff. AND I can always buy more down the road. (should I need them - he he he!)

OF - heh heh I had to get this new fish. His body is (Depending on the light he's in) either light brown with tinges of periwinkle, or just plain old periwinkle with pinky/peachy/orangey fins. He's beautiful. He's in the orange minibow. And that frog - I have laughed at that thing til I thought I would bust. He is HILARIOUS. And when I set him next to a tank - the fish in the tank flares, flaunts and acts like he'd rip those little legs right off if he could get to him. BUT THEN mr. frog (all of about 3/4" long in total from nose to end of legs) goes and stands up with his feet planted on the ground and his hands and nose pressed up against the glass and the fish turns tail and hides. It's just a riot. I'm pretty sure little froggy will live his whole life alone - I've tried setting him next to a few fish and everyone went completely crazy. I KNOW my girls would eat him, and everyone else will be in 2.5G tanks and is ALWAYS hungry so....

jols - I'm going to just throw almost everything away (except the good stuff that I still like to play with) and then he won't have much to make a mess with! :thumbs:
BettaMomma- When I had my tiny office room...I think a handful of times my mum cleaned my room for me :D It was beautiful!!!!!

Until the next day :p

When I tried to clean it just seemed messier :rolleyes: I told her I needed more space! I couldn't wait for my brother to move out! And when he did...mum and I had to clean the room :X it was disgusting...wouldn't believe the things I found in here. *as I'm in the bedroom now, lol...possibly haying today. Joy*

My room now is clean...with nicely tidy mess....just enough 'mess' to make it lived in, but the floor you can see, bed you can sleep closets are the messiest...the big one is in the room I don't use, I have a tiny one that has about 6 or more half gallon betta tanks I won't use again, also romance novels, clothes for winter, and other things. :p I need to do some cleaning methinks! :whistle:

edited to say I have some closet shelf space :D Got rid of all my lil half-gal homes...Bill can take my grabage bag*s* to the dumpster at his work...I had a lot of junk... :crazy:
Bettamomma is no longer here on TFF. She did indeed finish this and I saw the pictures. It looks fantastic, and I believe her son was thrilled.

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