My Master Plan

The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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im 5-10 hours away gaah ..i have breathing problems so never mind that anyway. what colours did you get??
The shelves are here:
Except they don't have the overhang piece across the top. Oh, and the compartments are taller than that, too. They'll sit next to each other like a set of stairs. They're unfinished and I'm going to stain them blue to match the rest of his furniture.

The minibows I will get will be purple, lime green, orange, teal and blue.
I should be picking everything up in the next several days.
Those shelves, painted, then with the mini-bows, will look sharp. Way to make those bright colors work for you too (I like the mini-bows, but I just can't buy a pink tank...... don't know what it is, I just can't :rolleyes: ). You definitely have to post pictures when its all set up. :D
MAM said:
Those shelves, painted, then with the mini-bows, will look sharp. Way to make those bright colors work for you too (I like the mini-bows, but I just can't buy a pink tank...... don't know what it is, I just can't :rolleyes: ). You definitely have to post pictures when its all set up. :D
:lol: Same. Such cute colors but I am always drawn to classic black... never fails.
Yeah, I totally agree with you guys.
Luckily, my son's room was just blue before so we got a blue minibow.
I have a "teal" one on my desk at work, but it's actually more of a sort of hunter green than teal. And I have a red one in my kitchen cuz it's red. I'm also going into the orange color with his room, too.

I want to bail on work this afternoon and go home and get started. :D
Okay, so make this count for me folks - this is gonna be my last post in this forum for a while.

I was wondering if anyone in HERE can give me input on this whole change coming up with my son's room - what colors I should paint the walls to go with my minibow tank colors and such for my betta wall. I had picked out purple, green, orange and lime. I'm not sure what colors or patterns to paint - so I am simply looking for input on how to paint the walls to go with my tank colors, shelves, etc.

and If this gets closed, I'll just go in there and start haphazardly throwing paint around the room just for fun - I hear the splattery effect is coming back.
BettaMomma said:
Okay, so make this count for me folks - this is gonna be my last post in this forum for a while.

I was wondering if anyone in HERE can give me input on this whole change coming up with my son's room - what colors I should paint the walls to go with my minibow tank colors and such for my betta wall. I had picked out purple, green, orange and lime. I'm not sure what colors or patterns to paint - so I am simply looking for input on how to paint the walls to go with my tank colors, shelves, etc.

and If this gets closed, I'll just go in there and start haphazardly throwing paint around the room just for fun - I hear the splattery effect is coming back.
What, why?

And also, why would this get closed? I see people say that a lot (this might get closed so...) even if it is perfectly harmless and on topic? -_-

Maybe you could go with that particular wall being a darker shader blue than the rest. That always looks neat (multiple wall colors).
Seahorse said:
And also, why would this get closed?
Your guess would be as good as mine but hey - it seems to be happening a LOT lately.

Anyway... I thought that might be a good idea, but then I think I might only want to paint one wall. I thought about doing sections of sort of a wavy pattern - so there would be a hunk of blue across the very top with a slightly wavy bottom border. Then below that would be lime green with wavy bottom border, etc. all the way down the wall.

AAgh - this all sounded so easy in concept.
It got closed because it wasn't fish related :) Sounds cool though, have fun and don't get tempted to move in yourself :p
Not just referring to that ONE post, OF...

I'm going to post a "Before" picture in a bit - oh man, that room is a TOTAL disaster - He is going to owe me HUGE.
Your guess would be as good as mine
You mean they didn't tell you why your other thread was closed in the Tropical Chit-Chat section? Thats a load of BS!!! Thats extremely rude. :angry: :grr:
I like that idea BM.

I've been looking on search engines, and most have similar ideas, two watery colors used together.
MegTheFish said:
Your guess would be as good as mine
You mean they didn't tell you why your other thread was closed in the Tropical Chit-Chat section? Thats a load of BS!!! Thats extremely rude. :angry: :grr:
Okay, well honestly - I guess I can see why that one was closed. It is a betta wall and a new way to put my fish together and rearrange, BUT the whole thing of it was that it wasn't fish related. IT was acceptable.

However, the overall general overzealous-ness of closing people's threads has gotten a little bit out of hand as far as I'm concerned. A lot of other things in this forum have also, for instance the fact that nobody can ***** about WalMarts anymore - I think that's a tad bit over the top.

It really isn't any skin off my back, because I am bold enough to do all my bitching directly to the faces or ears of someone who needs it at a store. I don't NEED someone to bounce it off of - in fact, I tell anyone and everyone in my personal life to their face how I feel, too. Whether they want to hear it or not. I've enlightened a LOT of people in my life about lots of things and how big huge corporations really operate where humanity versus profit are concerned with animals. However - many other folks who would otherwise come here for support, a place to vent and a place for suggestions and encouragement are basically threatened with "if you dare to ***** about such and such..." yadda yadda yadda...

I really think it's a major turnoff to new and old members alike when we're threatened into being able to talk about certain things or not. It just really gets under my skin that one thing I've worked with several of you on for so long in the aspect of poor fish treatment, has suddenly come to a screeching halt because somebody didn't want to hear about it anymore.

And the fact that ANY time anything is posted that might be the teeeeeny weeeeeeniest bit controversial everyone runs around posting "OH my GOD! Wuv might close this in a little bit - watch out!" is truly and utterly making me so irritated. It is just totally out of control.

YOU GUYS.... this is supposed to be a FUN FORUM. and a place to learn from each other - not to pretend that anyone is better than anyone else. I wouldn't have wasted my time posting um... well quite as MANY TIMES <---- as I have if this wasn't such a great place to be to this point.

I suppose I was prompted to go off like this because right now I am very hot, sweaty, cranky, ornary after starting to dig into my son's dungeon and I'm sure this will get closed, or I'll get my butt chewed, or both, or banned, or whatever. I can VERY safely say that i'm not the only person who feels like this and I'm quite glad I got this out in the open because it's been bothering me for quite some time... There's quite a buzz behind the scenes of this forum - and it goes on in such a way because everyone's afraid to publicly say so. Well, I'm sure it comes as no surprise to ANY of you that I just don't really care, and will come right out and say it. If I've made any enemies in doing this then so be it. But I know that a lot of people have been hanging around waiting for something to be said. Well there ya go - now it's been said.

So maybe I shouldn't have gone off about this whole topic in here, but why would I bother to start up a new topic about it? It will get closed anyway. As will this one shortly I'm sure.

Have at me people - I'm fully expecting world war 3 from this one, but it won't be the first time I started something controversial and it certainly won't be the last.
Don't worry BM, a good majority of us are "on your side" and it's sad that things have to be like this... I think we all need to shake fins and go back to being chit chatty and non argumental, can't we alllll just get alonnngg? :) just my 2cents.

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