Considering the size of Neowise when I caught him in 2020 vs now, 2024I'll be back as soon as I reasonably can to admire and ask questions, I've known since we met that your tanks are always gorgeous, with a lot of thought and work put into them, to make them the best possible habitat for the fish you love! It's always inspiring to see your tank and fish photos! As I did a quick scan, I remembered some of the tanks from when you set them up! Evolved of course, but recognisable.
Likely a big part of why they breed so well for you
But mainly, just wanted to say thank you coming back and sharing!!
I know we've still been in contact elsewhere, but not as often and as in depth as we used to here! You brought so much to the forum, and you're appreciated by so many people! I know I wouldn't have been able to raise my first cory spawn without your amazing help and support! Calming me down when I was freaking out, and telling me how to do it, with clear photo instructions!
I've said before and will say it loud and proud every time - I'm convinced you can breed anything you turn your hand to!
The macro shots you took of your cory eggs developing, hatching into wriggers and growing on were epic, and with your sparkling gourami laying spawn after spawn!
I also feel old, since I remember when those goldfish were wee little nippers, and now they're huge, healthy and stunning in the tank with the plec and hoplos! Or whatever they're called now - I am really trying to learn the new classifications.
Mainly just wanted to say how good it is to see your name here again!I![]()
I'm hoping an easier time being back, didn't exactly leave on happy terms, but hopefully the past is in the past.
And nah, I can't breed everything, some fish just don't wanna, but that's alright (looking at you, osteogaster eques!) I don't collect eggs all the time these days, only if there's a request for a certain species or I have space in the nursery. Otherwise they're left to their own chances. My most recent babies were brochis splendens. They've all gone on to their new home all together so they should be a happy bunch. I certainly cannot keep any more of those, since I kept babies from my original spawn lol
Now would be cool if my apistos spawned, but no biggie if they didn't either. They're just neat to watch and they're quite personable.
Oh, and a gif of one of my pangios and their carpet of sußwassertang lol