My Lilaeopsis Brasiliensis

Dosing ferts will do more harm than good with plants that are suffering due to light deficiency. Suffering plants attract algae, this combined with nutrients contained in the ferts may well lead to more algae.

Are you sure you need to be dosing nitrates and phosphates? With only 1.6wpg and what looks like a fairly low planting density, unless you have virtually no fish, then additional N and P are unlikely required.

How are your other plants doing? Do you have a full-tank shot?

I wish that i can upgrade my lights.. but there's no space,
my external filter on the top ot the tank.. then the lights..

there's no space btw the three T8 fluorscent.

the problem happend when i moved my tank from a room to another.. i had to pull out all the water.. but i keept the sand in it..

then i fill it again with new water.

that before more than month ago.

before that.. my tank was doing fine with Co2 system running 24/7 and dosing seachem N.P.K

I had amazon sword and giant amazon that lived well,

also the vall's, anubia, cabomba and some other plant's with i dont know the names..

here you can see my tank before..


but everything changed after i moved my tank..

my reactor is not doign well.. so i made a DIY one..
and i don't know but i feel that the substrate that contains IRON from tetra intial sticks is comsumed up..

about my fish's..

I've siames flying, 10 X-ray tetra. 1 glow light. 4 neon only and one pleco...
Best of luck with your plants. Are you continuing to dose them with liquid ferts?
I presume your ferts have iron in them, so your plants should be getting their trace requirements (atleast some of them) thro this.

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