My Lep Gecko


Fish Crazy
Jul 28, 2008
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hi everybody my leoperd gecko and he seems to not eat as much i had to help him shed his skin by wetting it through his moist is inbetween dark green and the middle which is good his temp is 28 and hes got a big large hollow rock full of water , plus a small rabbits dish full of water and a small hollow rock ,hes fed wax worm as he dont seem to eat anything els even tryed pinkys nothing .hes alway on top of his box what shall i do does anybody have answers please help heres a pic of him my baby spot

hi everybody my leoperd gecko and he seems to not eat as much i had to help him shed his skin by wetting it through his moist is inbetween dark green and the middle which is good his temp is 28 and hes got a big large hollow rock full of water , plus a small rabbits dish full of water and a small hollow rock ,hes fed wax worm as he dont seem to eat anything els even tryed pinkys nothing .hes alway on top of his box what shall i do does anybody have answers please help heres a pic of him my baby spot

hi everybody my leoperd gecko and he seems to not eat as much i had to help him shed his skin by wetting it through his moist is inbetween dark green and the middle which is good his temp is 28 and hes got a big large hollow rock full of water , plus a small rabbits dish full of water and a small hollow rock ,hes fed wax worm as he dont seem to eat anything els even tryed pinkys nothing .hes alway on top of his box what shall i do does anybody have answers please help heres a pic of him my baby spot

hi everybody my leoperd gecko and he seems to not eat as much i had to help him shed his skin by wetting it through his moist is inbetween dark green and the middle which is good his temp is 28 and hes got a big large hollow rock full of water , plus a small rabbits dish full of water and a small hollow rock ,hes fed wax worm as he dont seem to eat anything els even tryed pinkys nothing .hes alway on top of his box what shall i do does anybody have answers please help heres a pic of him my baby spot


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Only just got Leo's so cant help i'm afraid :no:

All i could say is you could use a spagnum moss moist hide instead of the large water hide :good: I'd try and get him to eat mealworms rather than waxworms as they waxys are more of a treat food.

You say he's not eating as much?

have you seen him poo? what's his poo like? Does it have any sand in it?

if i were you, i'd get him off sand. leos have been known to die within a week of being on sand. :(
You say he's not eating as much?

have you seen him poo? what's his poo like? Does it have any sand in it?

if i were you, i'd get him off sand. leos have been known to die within a week of being on sand. :(

what should i use insted of sand please help hes my baby and dont want him to die please
You say he's not eating as much?

have you seen him poo? what's his poo like? Does it have any sand in it?

if i were you, i'd get him off sand. leos have been known to die within a week of being on sand. :(

what should i use insted of sand please help hes my baby and dont want him to die please

you could use something like kitchen roll. :good: or even linoleum. :good:
You say he's not eating as much?

have you seen him poo? what's his poo like? Does it have any sand in it?

if i were you, i'd get him off sand. leos have been known to die within a week of being on sand. :(

what should i use insted of sand please help hes my baby and dont want him to die please

i have seen a couple that are like a brown with white init is this good or bad oh god i hope hes ok weve had him since about 12 weeks old and hes just over 5 and a half inch and about 1 and a half inch wide hes a big bugger ive also noticed his triangle bits underneath him look proper visable will the vets look at him and how much roughly will it cost o please help me panic is setting in big time thanks
First things first calm down. From what i can see in the pics hes a very nice plump weight. You say hes always on his box? Is his heatmat on a thermostat?

Get him off of the sand ASAP and onto kitchen roll. Sand is bad for leos, they arnt even from a place where there is sand.

They often get addicted to wax worms and eat nothing but them so i would suggest, mealworms, crickets and locusts for now.

How long have you had him, does he have a calcium dish?
First things first calm down. From what i can see in the pics hes a very nice plump weight. You say hes always on his box? Is his heatmat on a thermostat?

Get him off of the sand ASAP and onto kitchen roll. Sand is bad for leos, they arnt even from a place where there is sand.

They often get addicted to wax worms and eat nothing but them so i would suggest, mealworms, crickets and locusts for now.

How long have you had him, does he have a calcium dish?

hi ive tryed calcium on his food but would not touch it so no ,i will get some meal worm again but they turn in to beatles before he eats them hes a pain .and take all the sand out today and send some pics ,will toilet roll work .o no i dont have a thermostat in just a thermomitor o am i killing him will he purk up if do these things :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
Just another thing....have you got the heat mat under the whole enclosure. If so it should only be under about 1/3rd so he has a hot and cold end. He also needs a hide at either end so he can choose where to go. Definately get yourself a thermostat so you can keep the temp correct. If you don't have kitchen towel then you could use newspaper :good:
ok sand out and looks better. yes i have a small heat mat at one side and cool at other , heres the new pics and just buy taking the sand out hes in his box now and sheded skin brill hes also got meal worm to hes just looking at them at mo thanks for help people i will keep updated on him or email if would like to know

ok sand out and looks better. yes i have a small heat mat at one side and cool at other , heres the new pics and just buy taking the sand out hes in his box now and sheded skin brill hes also got meal worm to hes just looking at them at mo thanks for help people i will keep updated on him or email if would like to know


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awesome :good:

I'd suggest getting some pure calcium and covering his mealworms in it everytime you feed them. "Calypso" is a good brand.

and then get some Nutrobal

which is a mineral and vitimin supplement. dust the mealworms in this about once a week.
cool how much does it cost ,does he look ok in the new change , O MY GOD HES EATING THEM THANK GOD yippee and another ive put 4 in is that enough :wub: my baby is eating meal worms
cool how much does it cost ,does he look ok in the new change , O MY GOD HES EATING THEM THANK GOD yippee and another ive put 4 in is that enough :wub: my baby is eating meal worms

they're not too much at all. :good: less then a tenner for both of them, i'd say :D

I'd put about 10 mealworns in there in the morning, and another 10 in the evening. :good: if he doesnt eat them all, then i'd do something like 5 in the morning and 10 in the evening.
god is he not fat enough lol 10 my word ill have to get some on monday ,my sword tail molly just had babys been watching well happy and ive found somebody who has helped me with my baby thank you so much
I'd also replace the card board box hide with a plastic tub with a hole cut in the side. The cardboard will be absorbing alot of the moisture whereas plastic will keep it contained and this needs to go at the cool end with a dry hide at the hot end and if you have room put another dry hide at the cool end. So in all he will have 3 to choose from.

Looks like he's much happier now....well done :good:

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