Fish Crazy
I ordered 50 blue LEDs online (because it was cheaper to get 50 online than 3 locally). They took forever to get here from hong kong. But they came and I built myself a moonlight.
I swear I just watched my Black Ghost Knife for a longer uninterupted period of time than I ever have gotten to before.
I love it, and the BGK doesn't seem to mind it one bit. I hope it won't stress the other fish, but honestly.... if it does, they'll have to just deal.
I'm pumped
I swear I just watched my Black Ghost Knife for a longer uninterupted period of time than I ever have gotten to before.
I love it, and the BGK doesn't seem to mind it one bit. I hope it won't stress the other fish, but honestly.... if it does, they'll have to just deal.
I'm pumped