My Kuhli Loachis Acting Weirder Than Usual


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
I've had my kuhli for a couple of months now and got used to him going crazy wriggling everywhere and then settling down under his half coconut with java moss on. But over the last couple of days he is now almost vibrating or spazaming insted of wriggling then laying on its side and I don't know what is wrong, is he not long for this world?

Some information abnout my tank:
tank size 34 Gallon
tank mates are 3 congo tetra, 2 dalmation mollies, 2 panda cory cats, 2 peppered cory cats and 4 little algae shrimp,
substrate is black sand,
i do at least 30% water changes every week,
feed once everyday with algae wafer, flake or dried tubifex and have recently tried frozen blood worm,
i havent had the what parameters tested since about a week after i got the loach and I was told everything was fine and temp is 24 or 76 degrees.
and there is no physical signs of illness and i can't work out whats wrong.

Any suggestions or ideas on what to do will be much appreciated as I'm really attached to the little guy.
not good i'm afraid.
Does he try to rub himself on things in the tank.
As he darkened in colour or gone pale.
Has he bloated up in the tummy region..
Check the gills to see if there pale with excess mucas on them, or red and inflamed.
From what i can see he is exactly the same looking colour and size wise, I can't see any differnce in the colour of the gills they are slightly pink which they have been since i've had it, he is moving less now but still just finding shade then sometimes falling to its side or leaning on plants and i have not noticed it rubbing itself just moving strangely.
p.s I'll get pics on as soon as i can
If he's falling to one side it's bacterial then, but he does sound in bad shape and the outcome dosn't look promising, sorry.
I was thinking it was probably internal as there wsa no signs from the outside of his body and i have heard of kuhli's having odd turns and just dieing off but I just can't work out why as all of the other tank mates are totally fine
If you can issolate him you could always try anti internal bacteria med by interpet.

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