My Juwel Vision 180 Tank

Tank looks great Kev - nice and clean/natural looking.

Can I ask what plants you have (particularly the one on the left and the little "lily pad" type one next to the wood on the right - thinking of trying Greenline myself too.

p.s. congrats on the new pups - would love to see a pic of them too :wub:

The plant on the right is a Wisteria and the lilly pad type is Brazilian pennywort

Pups are coming on fine , they will be 1 week old late tomorrow night :D


MarineMoney, yeah i like the simple life lol , once i remove the internal filter i will be doing a bit more work to it :D

Thanks - been looking for something a bit different to have in my tanks.

The pups are georgeous :wub: Mum looks very proud - they already look quite big for 1 week old, obviously being well cared for my you/their mum.
believe it or not that pic was taken when they were a couple of days old , i didn't realise they would have been so big lol

yeah them plants are a little different, Depending on what light the Wisteria leaves get they grow in different ways and different shades of green..

for only having 1.06 wpg, no co and 1 green line fertilizer bag the plants aren't looking not to bad i must say :D
thought i would take a wee pic of the tank tonight , its not really changed much plant wise, i removed the cobomba and added a coconut cave with some java moss and java fern attached to it , going to remove about 3 or 4 of the amazon swords when i find some plants i like to replace them, im now running 1.5wpg no co2 and adding some tropica plant nutrition every week . the plants are doing fine apart from the blackish algae on the amazon swords..


thought i would add a picture of Spot the starlight bristenose inst he handsome (think its a male anyway lol) :D


You tank is great! I have the same tank in black and the live plants are annoying me at the moment. Where ever I put them they dont look right! Being a woman doesnt help either, fussy we are!
This is the picture of mine I have just taken....


Emma x
guineapigqueen know what you mean about placing the plants, that big ugly jewel filter doesn't help it just gets in the road lol

your tanks looking good though ..
Lovely Tank - Love the planting and wood used.
Cheers guys..

Things are still doing fine with the tank, i noticed that the java fern and the Windeløv are producing lots of plantlets already :D

Jamie the UV filer has been good, its been on 24/7 since November, the only thing im not keen on is the service free bulb, you cant open it up to clean out the bulb, i took the unit out to give it a good clean last week , i was surprised how much crap came out of the bulb unit, makes me think that the actually bulb must be coated in crap causing it to not work as efficient as it should be.. once the bulb blows im going to open it up to see how caked in crap it is lol

Cheers guys..

Things are still doing fine with the tank, i noticed that the java fern and the Windeløv are producing lots of plantlets already :D

Jamie the UV filer has been good, its been on 24/7 since November, the only thing im not keen on is the service free bulb, you cant open it up to clean out the bulb, i took the unit out to give it a good clean last week , i was surprised how much crap came out of the bulb unit, makes me think that the actually bulb must be coated in crap causing it to not work as efficient as it should be.. once the bulb blows im going to open it up to see how caked in crap it is lol


you might be surprised at how little is o the bulb itself... that brown slime that 'grows' on the inside of filter pipes etc is caused by bacteria acting on waste, not just the waste itself. In theory that shouldn;t be possible on the bulb itself.

oh... and thanks for the review!
took some more pics tonight after a i did a 50% water change

the Amazon swords aren't doing so well, iv had to pull loads of leaves out the last couple of weeks..

i added a couple of rocks to form a cave what do you think??


close up


the java moss is starting to fill out a bit on the coconut cave :D


sat for ages but this is the best pic i managed to get of a couple of my pandas


and here's Sunny :D


Hope you like, sorry the pics aren't any better iv not got a good digital camera so used my phone ..


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