My journal of my SW tank set-up

well bad news from me too, I found dory (regal tang) lying dead this morning, not sure if it was the anenome as it's moving alot at night and it might of stung her?. It's not ich, or stress. Everyone else is fine. yesterday she was swimming and eating like normal. She sleeps in a spot down at the gravel between the rocks, I loved her. I am going to miss her dearly even though I've had her for only a few weeks :-( :-( :-( :-(
Possibly the nenny if you cant see any other signs of stress on the fish.
My Atlantic nenny killed my Copperband butterfly fish during the night and left him for dead on the floor of the tank when it realised it couldnot fit it into its mouth :angry:
I have moonlight LEDs over my tank and i usually get up for work at around 3.30am. I often saw the CBB swimming in this light and picking at the pod life that usually appears after lights out. This night though was the first night that i didnt put the moonlights on, i think the CBB ventured out for a late night snack and became one himself by stumbling into the nennys tenticles. Before i could rehouse the nenny it also finished off my Colair butterfly. :sly: I wont have a nenny now, (apart from some nusance aiptaisia :crazy: ) They are high maintenance and of course, they eat fish.. they only do whats natural ot them, considering how many die in transit it really suprises me that they havent been banned for import. Clowns dont need nennys to thrive, my maroons loves his Sinularis and wont leave its tentices for more than 30 secs. my pair of Percs aare small yet and dont show much interst for hosting.
Whats a nenny??????

I don't think you are supposed to mix clown species. You might run into probs when the maroon gets bigger.
OOps im very sorry.. i mis-named the species. :*)

I meant Sarcophyton (leather mushroom)
This is my maroon clown loving every minute of it. :D


The coral in the center top is actually a Sinularis :*)


I dont mix my clowns. I have more than 1 tank. The Maroon is in the 30 gallon (UK) and the Percs are in my 100 gallon (UK)
Navarre said:
I dont mix my clowns. I have more than 1 tank. The Maroon is in the 30 gallon (UK) and the Percs are in my 100 gallon (UK)
Nice leather!!!! I was referring to spanair about his 3 clowns, 2 percs and a maroon.
Ah ok np. :D
I hadnt looked at Spanairs stocking list in great detail to be honest. It true though, a maroon gets far larger and has a far nastier temperment too. I keep mine in seperate tanks for ths very reason. My maroon would kill my percs in a matter of hours :*) I would watch them real close if i were you.
be nice to have some help and not critism from you impur. But never mind i've taken this aboard and i'll see what I can do on this matter.

Very nice stuff navarre.

(see you on the other place B) )
I don't mean to critisize, just trying to help. I have read hundreds of threads about not mixing clowns and thought i'd pass that on to you, just don't want to see your clowns get killed. If you like i won't respond to this thread anymore.

Good luck with everything!!! :nod:
it's alright, they have a big aquarium, which so far the maroon keeps in one side and the clowns on the other. I will try and see if my lfs is kind enough to take the little clowns.

thanks :)
i am setting up a tank just the same as yours and could you show me a pic of what is in the cabinet as i am stuck on what filtration system to use, a sump, filter, refugium etc so a picture of yours would be great as i love your set up i think it is great . send pic to or put on my section which is by tomspreck and under marines in latest articles

Hey Tom!,

Sorry i didn't get back to you any sooner, I went the easier way. I just dont know why but I did. I run the aquarium on the biostar hang-on skimmer, I just cut out a piece of the hood for it. I've got 5 tubes in there, 2 t8's and 2 t5's for now. But i'll be buying a MH very soon. Maybe tomorrow :D.

I also run the original filter box, which is really good as I can add my rowaphos and such in there.

Apart from that nothing under the cabinet except bit's & bobs, I guess it was the simplest way, but it works very well. I am hoping that my next aquarium (rio 400 or more, some day) will have a skimmer, etc all under the aquarium in the cabinet. Looks neater.

Anything else you need to know let me know :)

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