Im pretty sure that its not a hard coral at all. It looks more like a Gorgonia.
Here is a care guide for it
The gorgonians are soft coral colonies that are tree like. They attach themselves to rocks at the base and have a skeleton that is similar to animal horns.
Many gorgonians are photosynthetic and so need light to survive. Others, like the finger corals, grow at great depths or shaded areas and don't require light. They usually must be fed to survive in the aquarium.
Aquarium Care:
The gorgonians all need strong currents to help rid themselves of the waxy film that is secreted to rid themselves of algae. Surge devices or turbulent water flow is best.
Care of Photosynthetic Gorgonians:
Since they are photosynthetic, they need good lighting as well. Although most are not accustomed to the very strong lights produced by metal halide, it is said that they will eventually adjust and grow faster because of it. Some can be fed while others do not. In either case they don't need to be fed in order to survive.
Care of Non-Photosynthetic Gorgonians:
For those that need to be fed, feed them at least once a week. Feed detritus, brine shrimp, Daphnia, Cyclops, or pulverized flake food, shrimp or clams. Sometimes you can stir up the gravel slightly in order to mix detritus in the water for feeding the detritus eating species.