My journal of my SW tank set-up

leanne said:
Wow! again - lokking good! I bet you'd like the anemone I've just bought - it's white with pink tips and looks like blown up condoms...
:lol: :rofl: LMAO blown up condoms ???.

Just not sure if I should put an anenome in my tank as it might sting my corals and will move around :unsure:. They look well nice though :nod:

Apart from that i'll be getting more corals from now on :thumbs:. Thank you Leanne :nod: :*)
Heres the coral I bought today, it's called yellow _____(something) candle. I think. Cant remember, nice hard coral. I have to move him though, I dont like him where he is at the moment :).


Because its so sunny I cound't really get a proper shot and it comes out dark, but here it is as the tank is now. :)

Im pretty sure that its not a hard coral at all. It looks more like a Gorgonia.

Here is a care guide for it

The gorgonians are soft coral colonies that are tree like. They attach themselves to rocks at the base and have a skeleton that is similar to animal horns.

Many gorgonians are photosynthetic and so need light to survive. Others, like the finger corals, grow at great depths or shaded areas and don't require light. They usually must be fed to survive in the aquarium.

Aquarium Care:

The gorgonians all need strong currents to help rid themselves of the waxy film that is secreted to rid themselves of algae. Surge devices or turbulent water flow is best.

Care of Photosynthetic Gorgonians:

Since they are photosynthetic, they need good lighting as well. Although most are not accustomed to the very strong lights produced by metal halide, it is said that they will eventually adjust and grow faster because of it. Some can be fed while others do not. In either case they don't need to be fed in order to survive.

Care of Non-Photosynthetic Gorgonians:

For those that need to be fed, feed them at least once a week. Feed detritus, brine shrimp, Daphnia, Cyclops, or pulverized flake food, shrimp or clams. Sometimes you can stir up the gravel slightly in order to mix detritus in the water for feeding the detritus eating species.
Cant find very good photos of them but here is a link to one.
I have a similar one to yours only mine is red (in the link its the one on the left)

I believe the yellow gorgonians must be fed. It is not photosynthetic. You might want to get a better pic and be sure, if i'm right and you don't feed it it will die. What color are the polyps that extend out of it?

Also, what does your lighting consist of?
So far no polyps have really extended out, only see some black hairs on it. I will take a pic tomorrow again during day time.

Lighting consists of 2 t8's, 1 power-glo + 1 marine glo and 2 T5's both white. All under reflectors. Hopefully I will be able to get T'5s instead of T8's changed later on.
There is a simple way to see if a Gorgonian is light loving or not...
If it has white polyps then it doesnt ned light at all but needs constant feeding.

If the polyps are not white then it needs good lighting (and feeding too but not as intense as the other one)

For feeding.. I use Live phyto plankton and cyclop eeze. Sems to work for me and my gorgonian loves it.
This is the best shot I can get with the crappy camera, I dont know if you can see the polyps in the red higlights it's pretty full of polyps all round the bottom and less on the higher branches, the polpys are a pink/brown ish colour, definitly not white though.

oops forgot the pic :*)

I would assume from the photo it would be a light needing gorgonia. Easier to keep to be honest as they get alot of their energy from the sun/lights

Here is my gorgonia, you can clearly see the polyps here. If they are the same as this then you have a non light senstive one.


Hey navarre thanks for that, the polyps are no way as big and are not white at all, they are pink/brown ish. They guy at the LFS told me they need alot of light and feeding often, but not brines etc..just the sme struff I give to my corals (which is a liquid).

Glad that's cleared up :D.

I also fed my long tentacle plate coral some mysis shrimp, he sure liked it :D
Yah looks like a photosynthetic gorg. Good find.

As far as your lighting, you may want to reconsider the T8s or T5s and go for VHO lighting at the very least, metal halide, or a combo of the 2. I don't think your corals will thrive under your current lighting. I have 96 watts over my 10 gal. Thats almost 10 watts per gallon and its only 12 inches deep. Your tank is much deeper and much larger. Brighter lighting will be needed to reach the corals on the bottom to keep them alive.
Yep not to worry about lighting as soon as I can i'll be buying the arcadia 150W MH or the 250W maybe but 150W is enough really.

The guy at my LFS told me they will be just fine with my current lighting, but they probably wont TRHIVE as good and as healthy as they would under a MH. Anyways not to worry there impur it'll be done ok. :)
This pictures are for navarre, it's about putting a Metal halide on which will probably blind people whilst watching tv. Anyways, navarre here you go:




They will LOVE the MH. Good choice. Was just trying to give ya some suggestions, glad to hear we are on the same page!!!!

Great looking setup btw. I like the tanks on both sides of the tv.

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