My Ich Treatment - High Heat Saltwater 29G Tank

Please help me. I have an emergency, I had a pleco and a guppy because I am cycling my 20G long tank. Long story short they both have ICH, I put them in a 5 gallon quarantine and the pleco died and the guppy I think will die. I'm not too worried about the fish, they are both doing REALLY bad. I tried my best to keep them alive but I didn't even know things like ICH can happen to these fish and kill them.
I have a planted tank with lots of plants, water wisteria, staurogyne repens, anubias nana, windelov java fern, I have a lot of plants and I don't want to kill those to get rid of the ICH that is in the tank currently. There are no fish in the tank, and I have turned my 150w heater up to 86. I also added  A LOT of freshwater salt to help kill it off but now I wish I didn't do that because everyone is saying that it kills plants.
IS THIS TRUE?? DOES IT KILL PLANTS?? Please tell me and tell me how I can keep my plants alive. I plan on doing a 50% water change tomorrow as I think that should clear out all the salt. 
Please help me I spent a lot of money on my plants.
Just do a bunch of water changes to get rid of the salt. 50% probably won't be enough. Salt won't evaporate with the water, you actually have to remove it with water changes. If there aren't any fish, do as close to a 100% as you can. Or do 50 or more one day and the same the next. That will remove the salt. As for the ich, it won't live without its hosts, the fish. I'd just leave the temp up high so it can go through its life cycle and die off before adding more fish. Also, don't just buy fish to "cycle" the tank. We believe in fishless cycling. It is much less cruel to the fish. There is what Byron calls a soft cycle i think where if you have a LOT of plants(established already and growing well), then you can get away with slowly adding fish as the plants will help to tske up the bad stuff. But he could tell you more on that. There are many articles on cycling you can find here. And you can Google the life cycle of ich to know more about it as well. Also, next time if you have an emergency, please make a new post and don't just try to get on someone else's. You can get help faster that way. And another point on that, please read how to post your emergency on here as we need alot more info to properly help you. Water parameters and the like.
Ok thank you; so much for the help. I did make two posts actually and noone responded...
I did a 80% water change last night, is that enough to remove all the salt? Today I am going to the store to buy new nets, new scrubbers and some solution to put in the water to kill the ICH. My heater is only going up to 84 I believe.
I'm scared and don't want this to  happen again. I bought some drift wood a while ago, could that have been it? I didn't boil it but I did soak it for 4 hours in warm water. (it did get cold after an hour or so because it wasn't heated)
I got Ick guard by tetra tablets and National Geographic Herbal ich relief. Which one should I use? Do these kill plants? Should I turn off my lights, heater, filter, etc? Thanks

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