My Ich Treatment - High Heat Saltwater 29G Tank

Day 10:
Yesterday Day 9 Female EBR still as white spot or growth on her nose picture below not the greatest but have more I need to upload to photo bucket.
It looks like a piece of salt on her nose so that's why i am questioning if it's something other then Ich
Usually ich is described as looking like grains of salt all over the fish. But does it actually look different than what the other spots had looked like? It's hard to tell from the picture you posted but I know you said you had to get some more up. Hopefully we can see it a bit better then.
Sorry for late response work has been overwhelming this week, I am even at work now on a Saturday. I tried to take better pictures last night but it's super difficult to get a good close up of the spot but I am posting what I have anyway just in case.
Before I post the pictures I swear the two EBR's were flirting and may have bonded for the first time (Squeeeeeee!) They were right next to each other ting yang style going in circles all over the tank. They did a couple of lip locks which i wasn't sure if that was fighting or not so I googled fish mating and read that that is consider flirting before the mating. Ok back to the subject.


So it's getting really frustrating about this last spot not coming off Should I do a chemical Dip? 
Hm...that is a strange spot. Though it seems bigger than a grain of salt but I do believe these were smaller fish at the moment, correct? I wouldn't stop the treatment you're doing just yet..but maybe make a new post asking for some more help. I'm not exactly sure why it wouldn't have fallen off yet if it was a true ich spot. I don't know about a chemical dip at all.  I don't know much about those. I just know about the ich treatment that I went through myself. Does the spot look like the other spots that had been on them or does it appear different at all?
And if anybody else is following this has any ideas? I'm at a loss.
But if nobody responds you may want to try a new post to deal with this spot but I wouldn't stop the heat/salt treatment quite yet until you are sure what you could possibly be dealing with just in case it could still be an ich spot. Better safe than sorry on that.
This spot looks much different then the ich spot outbreak for sure. I'm going to google other diseases for pictures to see if i can pinpoint it. I will wait to see if any one jumps in before posting new thread.
Ok After researching I think it's one last stubborn trophont as nothing else resemble the spot.
Oh It's not fish lice and gross I hope they never get that 
I'm just going to stick with treatment 
Hopefully it will come off soon then if that's what it is! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Glad it's not fish lice though.
cowgirluntamed said:
How's the treatment going? Did that spot fall off yet?
Still treating, spot has not fallen. I think it's might be smaller but if you stare at it long enough it seems to be the same.
I think it's been 17 days so this weekend I am going to do a chemical dip and start reducing the heat back to normal and stop adding salt during water changes. 
Ok. Good luck with what you try next! Hopefully the dip will solve the problem.
I can't believe that in these days of effective ich treatments we are still resorting to adding salt to salt-hating fish and raising the temperature for weeks on end to an uncomfortable level which may result in death or life shortening. Each to their own I suppose but I would never entertain it.
Some sensitive fish don't do well with the medicines either. They are a type of poison after all. Either way it's done can stress fish out to the point of death possibly. I had columnaris on a couple of tetras once. I used meds to treat it to no avail. Then I tried aquarium salt(did not raise the temp for this). It went away! I did eventually wean the tank back off of salt but the fish are doing great now. And if the meds I'm using don't help my guppies in their tank, I'm going the salt route. Also, I don't believe salt kills good bacteria at all either. Some meds do. But like you said, to each their own! :)
I just wanted to report that as of Yesterday the spot is gone from the tip of the EBR's nose I have temp down to 79º  with only about 2% salt left in the tank water after Monday's water Change.
I also started the Indian almond leave (Catappa Leaves) treatment to lower Ph. I will start a new thread for this though.
Awesome job with the ich treatment! Glad you found something that worked for that last little spot! Which chemical did you use by the way that finally got it? And I'll be sure to look up your other post on the leaves and pH. :) Good work!
I used Seachem  Paragaurd. Seachem brand seems to be one of the best out there 

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