My House Is Beginning To Seem A Bit Like A Fish Rescue!

Just looking at The Shrimp Girl and wishing I could get the tiger barb and serpae tetra she just got! (Quick ... what's a BGK?)
The Tetra and barb have found homes with other fish keepers in the area. Both of them are now in larger schools and biger tanks.

A BGK is a Black Ghost Knife. He is 4" long now and could grow to 20" long or more! He is probably the coolest fish i've owned and he eats out of my hand!

I recently bought a BGK, for the first week it didn't eat anything that I personally seen so I started hand feeding it and now seems to be fine. Comes out and competes with all the rest!! It is the best fish I have had so far! Nothing like hand feeding your fish. Even the clown loaches love it!

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