My Guppy had Babies!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 16, 2004
Reaction score
Tuckerton, New Jersey
My one female guppy just had some babies last night. It's really cool watching them. This is my first batch of babies from any of my fish that have lived to be seen. (My platies used to be with my angels and the angels would polish them off before I could see them.) I just figured I'd put the good news up. And if anybody has any tips for caring for the little guys, please fill me in. I know I have to powder the food, I'm just a little worried about them actually getting to it.
I'm sorry but I probably won't be able to get any pics up anytime soon. I wish I could but I only have an old dig. cam. that I can't seem to get working...if I do get it working I will try to post some pics though. And as for the, they are free swimming in the tank. They have plenty of anacharis for cover, and so far so good.
i must warn you, guppys eat there babys. :( what i think you should do is get a cavelike rock and put the food under it.the babys will instintively hide under it :nod:
Is that males, females, or both? The reason I ask is because my males are in a different tank. Plus it's been about three days and so far I haven't had any cannibalistic acts.
I find that the females are greedier than the males - and some females are greedier than others!

Some aren't remotely interested in eating them, while others will actively hunt them out. You might get lucky. I've just got one female that hunts them. If it wasn't for her, I'm sure I'd be overrun.
I must've gotten lucky then. I also really don't mind if the any of them get eaten because I know in a couple months I'll probably have way too many.
Yeah...I am lucky, I've got the awesomest (I know it's not a word!) girlfriend in the world. :D It's her way of saying "thank you" for the ring she's getting soon.
You could save it and edit it in photoshop or something, but I can't do it from here, sorry. Maybe it's your computer settings too because it's not that dark for me.

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