My Green Spotted Puffer!


New Member
Nov 3, 2003
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
I recently purchased a GSP, who I fell in love with the 1st time I saw him since he's so darned cute!
His name is Potato, he enjoys bloodworms, shrimp, swimming in the bubble-bar, candle-light dinners, and deep meaningful conversations :p

These first 2 pictures were taken by Robin Lacoste.


looking for food as usual :rolleyes:


Potato smiling for the camera! :D

Eventually, after a lot of research on compatibilty, I decided to get a couple of Bumble Bee Gobies as tankmates to help clean up scraps from when the messy little piggy Potato eats.
Apparently GSP's are very aggressive, so I was kind of scared at first that Potato would try and eat the BBG' my surprise my 'tough' little GSP cowered under a plant in fear of the BBG's (that are 1/4 his size no less). He even gave up his home when one of the cockier BBG's decided to take it over....I gently removed the BBG from Potato's ceramic pipe he calls his house, and he quickly swam back in it to re-claim it.
Im glad to say that Potato is no longer fearful, infact they now have a mutual relationship based on completely ignoring each other, even when millimeter's apart :D I was originally going to name each one of the BBG's, but they look too similar at there small size (under 1 inch), so I call them "The Bogins", as a collective unit.

Enough blabbering, heres pics I took of my BBG's :p


Potato jumped in on the pic.....that camera hog!!


The bogins doing what Gobies do.....sit around and do nothing!

Thanks for any comments ;)
I second the first pic. for FOTM, just beacuase i have one and wanted to post a pic of mine to get nominated, but no camera! :-( i feel one green spotted puffer should win sooner or later. :nod:
as I said before....incredible pictures!!!

I can't wait until I get a GSP or Figure-8!!

also, a question:

when you clean the tank, does the GSP try to bite you?

A guy at the LFS was feeding the GSP's and one bit his finger....just a scratch though.

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