My Fish!


New Member
Jul 17, 2007
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here are a few pictures of my fish... sprry some are blurry.. lol

first my angels..






My betta.. (no name yet)




and I dont what this fish is called. The guy at me lfs let me have it for free..

Beautiful fish! I sure do love angels, they have been a great fish to keep.

Your unknown fish looks like a golden wonder killi also known as a golden panchax, also cool fish.

It looks like you have some koi or goldfish in there and I know someone would bring it up if I didn't, but typically they are not to be kept with tropical fish, they might be better getting rehomed in a cold water tank or pond. Koi and goldfish get quite large, are a bit messy, and require colder water and different water conditions than most tropical community fish.

How big is your tank? Do I see a Ram and pacus in some of the pics? Also way cool fish. You have great taste in fish and nice tank! :good:
Beautiful fish! I sure do love angels, they have been a great fish to keep.

Your unknown fish looks like a golden wonder killi also known as a golden panchax, also cool fish.

It looks like you have some koi or goldfish in there and I know someone would bring it up if I didn't, but typically they are not to be kept with tropical fish, they might be better getting rehomed in a cold water tank or pond. Koi and goldfish get quite large, are a bit messy, and require colder water and different water conditions than most tropical community fish.

How big is your tank? Do I see a Ram and pacus in some of the pics? Also way cool fish. You have great taste in fish and nice tank! :good:

Oh yes I do have two koi in there. I will be giving them to a relative soon who is building a pond.

I have a 30-35 gal. tank. Im not sure.. cause my friend gave it to me..

yeah you did see a Blue Ram there is actually 2 in there. I didnt get any clear pictures of them thats why I didnt post
I know I will need to upgrade my angel fish to a bigger tank as soon as they get bigger.. I will be doing that soon also..

Thanks for commenting.!!
I dunno how many you have but silver dollars need to be in a group of around 5 and they get big.
Nice tank looks good. The koi will get big ur tank is a bit overstocked.

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