My Fish Room

Hi jollysue :)

Two months you say? You're doing great. Try thinking about my moving two years ago and still rearranging tanks. :hyper: It's almost done though; I'm running out of room and steam. There are just 3 twenty gallon tanks and 3 tens to move and it will be done.

Yeah right! :rolleyes: You know what I mean, don't you? :lol:

You really did a terrific job managing to move those gigantic tanks in addition to all your other stuff. I don't see how you could have done it without help. They are looking good and if the one heater that got out of adjustment is the only bad thing that happened, well consider yourself lucky. I'm glad you found out about it when you did and wish you luck treating those fish.

Even though you live in a warmer climate than I do, don't you have some kind of heating in your apartment? Where does it come from? I have an entire wall in each room that has baseboard heaters running across it. These are the ones with the windows too, but I don't see them in your home. That means that there are only three usable walls for tanks in any room of my apartment. You are fortunate indeed to be able to use more.

I like the mirrors too. :nod:
Central heating, Inchy. Natural Gas I think with vents in the ceiling. The air conditioning and the heating use the same vents which can be opened or closed. I also have portable air conditioners to use in the bedroom to sleep daytimes. I am thinking I can set up one in the fishroom on just dehumidify if I need to. Only thing with that is they pull more water out of the tanks.

I do feel fortunate to have gotten the help. We moved everything starting Thursday night and were finished Monday 10 am. Thursday and Friday the furniture and boxes, etc. Sunday and Monday mornings the fish. Getting a well experienced fish person to handle the moving was really a boon. I lost nearly all my Tetras in the community tank in the move two years ago. I lost one Tetra this time. I have had a couple of issues to take care of from slow maintenance at first and the heater thing, but I know I am really blessed. I do have a few boxes of fish equipmient sitting around to get organized. But I am way ahead of last time. I could have gotten the tanks moved for free, but it was such a nightmare last time, I wanted knowledgeable people this time and would have paid more if I had to.

They still have to get their schedules together, but I imagine it will be in the next few weeks, ICEEGRL. Two boys have already said they want to help for community service credits. Kirby and John will work out a schedule now I have spoken to both of them.
Cool. I can't wait to see what it looks like when you get it all arranged. :drool:
Mine are all over the house. They are mostly in the living room and my bed room though. The livingroom glows blue at night. You can see it down the road. :lol:
Central heating, Inchy. Natural Gas I think with vents in the ceiling. The air conditioning and the heating use the same vents which can be opened or closed. I also have portable air conditioners to use in the bedroom to sleep daytimes. I am thinking I can set up one in the fishroom on just dehumidify if I need to. Only thing with that is they pull more water out of the tanks.

Hi jollysue :)

Ohhh... vents in the ceiling......that sounds good.

Humidity can be a problem. I have two exhaust fans, one in the kitchen and one in the bathroom. I run them a lot during the winter to clear the humidity caused by my tanks, but in the summer, the air conditioners (in the wall, under the windows) do a better job. In the spring and fall, I use a box fan in the window, which seems to work best of all. :D
As Inchworm suggested, you may wait a long tome to see it actually finshed, ICEEGRL! HAHA Especially if nice ladies send me boxes of plants to work on!

ICEEGRL sent me a box of plants, Inchy.

Where do you have most of your tanks, Inchy? You are up late.
Hi jollysue :)

Yes, it's past midnight here. Well, I keep thinking.......maybe one more post. I'm too tired to get up and go to bed. LOL!

I am almost finished with my fishroom/dining room. I know....that sounds whacked! :S But what can I do? I just live in an apartment in New York. I think it will be lovely when it's done. My living room stuff is now in my bigger bedroom, so it's more like a cozy den.
:p I just meant with the tanks moved around. :D
I have been here for 2 years now, and I am still trying to get all the tanks settled in decent places. The decor of them will never settle. I can't stop fussing with them. :shifty: They just refuse to get perfect! ^_^ I keep trying though. :rolleyes:
I am always "working on" one tank or another. :D
Right now I have mystery fry to keep me busy though. ^_^
I don't think it's ever possible to be "done" with that many tanks. I have 5 more tanks to set up then I'll be "done". Who am I fooling.

I don't see any wedges or anything of that sort under the tank legs, but the water looks level in the filled tanks. If you have level concrete you are truly blessed, leveling stands & such in my basement is a major pain.
Have you posted pics yet?

Hi jollysue :)

No, I haven't. I had to move everything away from one side of the room to get two more 55 gallon tanks in, so for a while it was hard to walk around even. Then the holidays came along and I stopped making progress altogether until the last couple of days.

Now I have to buy a piece of wood to put on one of the shelves under a 55 gallon tank so I can put the 3 twenty gallons up on it. Where the three ten gallon tanks are going to go is still a mystery.

I'll have pictures up soon.

Do you still have a tank in your bathroom?
Sorry I dropped out and went to bed.

Yes, Tolak, it is level enough, except for the goldie tank on the porch. I have wedged that a bit, but it needs more. There is a 1.5-2" drop from one end to the other--lengthwise. Which is good, otherwise the rain water would come in the living room.

Other than to put up shelving racks, I am hoping to stick with my present tanks. I might upgrade something or add a 10 or 5 here or there for fry--although I am inclined to consider plastic bus tubs for fry. I have to stop someplace. I would like to concentrate on breeding what I have for awhile. My fronts alone would be well worth the trouble--but then again they would require some shuffling to move the baby eaters in the tank. Newbie mistakes.

No tanks in the bathroom--well, 2 Bettas. :rolleyes: Easy care for Bettas. I am the worst about caring properly for them. I need them where I don't have to carry their tanks. I have thought they might be happier with all the activity in the fish room, but I would lag with their care having to carry their tanks to the sink.

But, Tolak, you are right; I will no doubt figue ways to add tanks. I just hope I can make myself get caught up and organized with this first. One limit, besides room, is I can't do the heavy lifting myself.

Yeah, ICG, I have that 29 usg waiting to get set up and the 20 long only has some panda fry who must go to market and some tiny galaxys. So I have tanks to set up and fish to juggle after the tanks are rearranged. Let alone plants to plant!--Well, tanks to plant!

I got some new deck shoes. Do you think they will keep my feet dry? I don't have a boat. I live in the desert with my fish.
Did you get the plants yet? I just found out that I probably shouldn't have wrapped them in paper. I was just wondering if they are still in good condition or if any melted/rotted.
The next box I send you will be a lot better. It will wait till you are more ready though. I am going to grow them for a while so hopefully they will be much bigger and will look much better.
I am changing my tanks around right now. I only have 5 running right now. (not counting the 2 little betta tanks.) I hope to get them all going again soon though. :good:
I got the plants. I will go take care of them now--although I am still my first cup of coffee.

The box was a little damp. Those bags are not leak proof. The Post office can get grumpy about wet boxes. I am really very grateful to you. I lost lots of plants in the move.

Thanks Kamber. It is the curse of OMTS which is really about the lust for more fish and not for tanks--IMO

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