Hi jollysue 
Two months you say? You're doing great. Try thinking about my moving two years ago and still rearranging tanks.
It's almost done though; I'm running out of room and steam. There are just 3 twenty gallon tanks and 3 tens to move and it will be done.
Yeah right!
You know what I mean, don't you?
You really did a terrific job managing to move those gigantic tanks in addition to all your other stuff. I don't see how you could have done it without help. They are looking good and if the one heater that got out of adjustment is the only bad thing that happened, well consider yourself lucky. I'm glad you found out about it when you did and wish you luck treating those fish.
Even though you live in a warmer climate than I do, don't you have some kind of heating in your apartment? Where does it come from? I have an entire wall in each room that has baseboard heaters running across it. These are the ones with the windows too, but I don't see them in your home. That means that there are only three usable walls for tanks in any room of my apartment. You are fortunate indeed to be able to use more.
I like the mirrors too.
Two months you say? You're doing great. Try thinking about my moving two years ago and still rearranging tanks.

Yeah right!

You really did a terrific job managing to move those gigantic tanks in addition to all your other stuff. I don't see how you could have done it without help. They are looking good and if the one heater that got out of adjustment is the only bad thing that happened, well consider yourself lucky. I'm glad you found out about it when you did and wish you luck treating those fish.
Even though you live in a warmer climate than I do, don't you have some kind of heating in your apartment? Where does it come from? I have an entire wall in each room that has baseboard heaters running across it. These are the ones with the windows too, but I don't see them in your home. That means that there are only three usable walls for tanks in any room of my apartment. You are fortunate indeed to be able to use more.
I like the mirrors too.