My Fish Journal.

Trev_Miester said:
Picked up a 10 gallon today to house my fish in my planted tank so I can fix the foam background.   I have a pretty good idea what I am going to do with this tank after...I already bought a piece of driftwood for it.  Stay tuned in the next couple of weeks...It's going to be aquatic but there will be no fish.
OOOO...excited for this one. I've been thinking about setting up a small one(2.5 or 5) of my own. I'm sure yours will give me some  ideas
I need some ideas myself. haha.   Luckily I have some time to think about it while I am fixing the other one.
I have a theme in mind, but not sure how it'll work out. Do you have any recommendations for small tank heaters and filters that are on the cheaper side but still decently functional?
I have a "10 gallon" heater, dont member the wattage or brand doesnt say on heater, but its one that shows the number in the middle of it, so when its moved it shows the temp its supposed to heat to, atm i have it set to about 72 degrees, and it heats the tank to 82 degrees :/ its with my bichirs so it just makes them grow faster but yea its not the best, its a big like bulb on top, and blueish, dont recommend it myself.
Trev_Miester said:
I have a theme in mind, but not sure how it'll work out. Do you have any recommendations for small tank heaters and filters that are on the cheaper side but still decently functional?
I have a ten gallon that I am running an aqueon HOB rated for 20 gallons.  I can't remember how much I spent on it.  I like it a lot, it's really quiet.  The filter I ordered for the new tank is an Aquatop internal filter with a spray bar rated for 20 gallons.  I pretty much got it just for water movement.  It cost around $10.  I am not going to put a heater on the new setup but the one I have on the existing 10 gal is a piece of $&*#. lol.  I ordered a slim heater for it but I can't remember the specifics.  It should be here Saturday and I'll let you know how it is.  It looks pretty cool.  It's a flat circle shape instead of a tube.
Great. Group shot! Let me know how the heater works, I might be looking at the same one. I ended up get a 10 gallon tank yesterday, so now I need to get the rest of the equipment. I saw a fluval internal with one of those spray bars that I might order for mine.
Thanks man.  The heater is a hydor.  I just got it in the mail yesterday.  It says it can even go under the gravel.  I have the next couple of days off of work so I should be able to get some real work done haha.  I have to silicone the old background on so hopefully by Wednesday I'll have it running.  Definitely get the fluval filter.  I have one and like it a lot.  The new aquatop one I bought shoots the water all the way across the tank and you can't adjust the flow.
Well I picked up a cascade 170 internal filter. It was super cheap and figured I'd give it a shot. If it ends up not working out, I'll order the fluval.

Can't wait to see the background that you're talking about. I'm going to keep mine very clean and simple. I'll post more on it in my journal.
Cool man.  I like the clean look.  I am about to start putting the background on tonight.  I just put everything into the new tank while it dries than hopefully my other background gets here soon. 
Just got the first background I hope it holds.  The cats wouldn't leave me alone.  The silicone stinks so they were naturally attracted to it. lol. 


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This tank stuff is starting to feel a lot like work. 


The heater burn update...
What size is that cube? More awesome shots and that burn seems to be doing well.
Thanks.  The tank is just under 8 gallons.  They sell it in a kit.  It's called the Fluval Flora and is around a $100 for everything.  The only complaint I've had about it is that the background popped off.  It seems to happen to a lot of people.  Other than that I like it.

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