My fish is picking on my other fish!

that is a wise choice take the shark back because you dont have the means to keep him it is a very hard job to take care of sharks plus if the get ich or something like that if you know what I mean you have to get a different kind of medicine for scaless fish and so on. you have made the right choice from what I have seen you cannot mix tropicals and gold fish anyways. Talk to u later
I rescued 2 black moors that didnt have any fins at all because a puffer had them for lunch

...Oh sure blame the poor little puffer...the moors were probably teasing him by wiggling their cute little behinds at him...the little teases :lol: :lol: :lol:
Pufferpack is right. I had 3 of these guys. First thing you should know is they are a schooling fish so to be happy need a few buddies. And they do need BW as they mature then to marine. I just took my 3 back cuz i knew i wouldn't be able to give them exactly the environment they needed. Mine didn't bother anybody although i housed them with SA cichlids.

Whats even worse is if it is a channel cat. They look very similar as juvis but the channel cat can grow to 30".

Last night after I got home, I felt really bad about taking him back to the LFS, so I decided to try and reintroduce him to the goldfish, and guess what?! He killed them all!!! no, just kidding :p He chased them around a little bit, then settled down and left them alone! I was stunned. I still dont have the proper conditions to house him as he gets bigger, but at least now I have some time to find a friend who can take care of him better than the LFS. I just thought I would share my good news... :D
have you got a heater for the tank? well anyway good luck with the shark and the goldfish
i love sharks but i will have to trade my red tail back to the lfs because he is too agresive and teritorial
pufferback I am not talking about your kind of fish at all it wasnt thier faults because some dumbass put dinner in front of them they did what comes natural to them I blame the fools who put them together.

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