My fish is picking on my other fish!

he is pretty but I am a lover of all sharks and believe it or not that is the only shark that I dont have I didnt have the room before, But I do now with my 75 gallon that is almost ready I cant wait.
gold fish need a lot of salt

really?? I wasn't aware of this? (but I don't have goldfish :p )

My brother does and he never uses salt on them :S
fish keeper sharks and mollies said:
he is pretty but I am a lover of all sharks and believe it or not that is the only shark that I dont have I didnt have the room before, But I do now with my 75 gallon that is almost ready I cant wait.
Man, I wish you were closer, :/ I would give this guy to you... He needs a nice big home like that, and I really am not wanting to take him back to the fish store... :no:

I like him more than the 4 goldfish :p and if he didnt get so big, I would take them back instead... :D
Your LFS should take him back and you can tell them they said he was compatible and he has completely not been compatible, so you went by what they told you. Any halfway respectible LFS person would take something back on those circumstances.
here is a good gold fish forum these people know they are doing when it comes to gold fish the name of it is go to it and check it out they will tell you everything you need to know when it comes to gold fish. Check on a heat pack if you will buy the heat pack I will pay for the shipping if you are not to far off I will gladly take him off your hands if you dont want him. I didnt know that gold fish needed a lot of salt either. to make a long story short I rescued 2 black moors that didnt have any fins at all because a puffer had them for lunch and I found that website about gold fish and they helped me fix them right up I still have them as of right now and this has been about four months I dont know what to do with them. I just couldnt stand to see that puffer keep on eating them. So I bought them a 29 gallon tank I get my self into big messes because my heart is to big sometimes.
I will check out that site, thanks!

I am in California... I doubt you want to pay for him to be shipped to you. He was $4.49 at Petsmart, and he is probaly going back tonight... :(
Pufferpack said:
The "Silver Tipped Shark" is it silver with black tips on the fins? If so It is a Columbian Shark Catfish, and will grow up to about 18 inches long, will have to move to brackish water as ages and again into full marine when fully mature :crazy:
FKSM please dont get one of these unless you intend to A.eventually house it in a marine tank and B.plan to buy a tank of at least 150 gallons which is the size tank a adult shark cat requires,they are a very active fish and become skitish and stressed when housed in too small aquaria and will often damage them selves by swimming into the glass.
jumpman said:
gold fish need a lot of salt

really?? I wasn't aware of this? (but I don't have goldfish :p )

My brother does and he never uses salt on them :S
Gold fish do not need salt, salt will in fact kill them. :crazy:
william I sure beg to differ on that one I keep these black moors in salt and they are doing fine check out that forum that I told these other people about they are the ones who told me to put salt in with them and they sure are doing great and have been since the day I got them if I am wrong then I sure was told to do so by those people and they sure helped me get these fish back on track again after they were nearly dead.
what does FKSM mean?

I dont know if this is worth saying, but I had no idea that this "shark" would get very big at all! especially 12+ inches?!!!

It is my fault for buying without looking into it first... :rolleyes:
i dont hink you r ment to mix goldfish with tropical fish i think!!! :blink:
that FKS&M mean fish keeper sharks and mollies I cannot not afford a 175 gallon tank just go ahead and take him back to the lfs. I will take every word catfishcrazy tells me for the truth he has helped me out in so many ways with my fish so I know he knows what he is talking about if he says a fish will get that big then I will take his word for it. If I get a tank that big to start with it will be full of sharks anyways I just love these fish they keep me interested in wondering what they are going to do next
they might survive in salt but they arent marine cold water. and im shure they dont need salt imo i have read about using salt for curing fungal growth but thats not the point the point is the water needs to be kept between around 79 and 82 degrees farenheight if this fish is to live for any length of time according to the books i have read it will need a fairly large tank to grow if it is to last a substantial time. obviously its your choise but i would suggest at least getting a heater for the tank and maybee a box filter he might as well be alive while you make your desisions.
if he starts killing fish ur best bet is to put him down before he puts u out of money :thumbs:
snotirl said:
if he starts killing fish ur best bet is to put him down before he puts u out of money :thumbs:
Thats the thing... He hasnt killed anything yet, and I don't know if he was nipping at the fins of the goldfish to play, taste, or kill them. :?: I would take $.24 goldfish back before I took back the $4.49 shark if it werent for the fact that will need a lot more care and space than I am able to provide as he ages...

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