My Fish Is Losing Color


New Member
Sep 29, 2006
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does this mean something bad?

she is very pregnant, i put her into a breeding tank today, but wen i returned home the tank had fallin to the bottom of the tank, so iv left her out of it so i dont stress her out! BUT why is her color fading? she was a brighter orange but now seems to be getting lighter?is this something bad, and shud i put her into the breeding box again?


sorry this isnt a very clear pic, but was taken on my phone, thought maybe it would give ya an idea on how my fish (named Breeze) looks :p lol
stop using breeding boxes if you can get a small tank. breeding box puts 2 much stress on small livebarers. the losing color part, is the scales gone or just color fading.

whats your water stats?
what type of fish is it?
what size tank?
what other fish in tank?
the one in question is a fire mollie, my fish collection is listed on my profile, its a 110L tank (i did work tht out in gallons but dont remember!) the heater is currently on 24,
ok first off did you know that mollys do need salt?
are the scales gone or just loosing color?
has the tank cycled?
whats the nitrIte lvl? could be nitrIte poisining.
yes the tank has cycled its been set up for some time now! yes did know its maybe better for mollies to have salt, but we have fish in there that shudnt have salt, we were told its not compulsary for salt to b present!

ive got a test kit and check it each week, all levels are fine, she isnt losing scales jus colour, could it jus be the stress of the pregnancy by any chance?
ok.........she died :( im GUTTED :eek: :(

R.I.P Breeze the fire mollie :( :wub:
If you decide to get more mollies maybe you can learn from my mistakes. I killes alot of mollies trying to get them figured out. I am still learning. They are alot harder than I thought. They die without salt. Every time! All mine did. Also get marine salt. They seem to like that alot better. They are stressed in fresh water. That makes them more open to getting sick. Add to that being preg is hard and labor is even harder. Extra stress doesn't help. No matter what they may say mollies are not fresh water fish. They are brackish, and that means salt. In trying to keep them alive I added the salt and all the stuff I was told. Now the mollies are good and my cory hates me! I just found out the cory don't like salt, but all the lists say they go together well... go figure -_-

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