Post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate, and ph, how long has the tank been set up, and what was the ph of the store to your tank.
My Ph is 7.1 and ammonia is 0, nitrate is between 0 and .20 and nitrite is 0. The tank has been up for about 6 weeks. I have not added any new fish. I move the fish from a 20 to the now present 30. I have had these fish for quite awhile.
Yes. I used almost all the same water and gravel. But it was odd that they seemed fine after the move. It was not until a few weeks later they started huddled in a corner. They seem alittle better today. I wonder if something could have gotten into to the water. I know my friend who fed them while I was on vacation didn't do any cleaning in the room. And I haven't. My reading today are PH 7.1 water is on the moderate soft end, Nitrate is between 0 and 20, nitrite is 0 and the kh is 25.