my fish r well, smart because they know when i'm gonna feed them, wait at the top of the tank and when i change the water, they kinda show me where it's dirty(lot's of poop). and my my fish r really good hiders, really good at hind and seek and they dance together, like a pecial fish dance........ don't know how to describe it.........
My fish (at least my betta and gourami) know when I'm going to feed them because the top opens. Then they go flying to the top. My platy kinda has it figured out. My black skirt tetra is new, and I haven't noticed him coming to the top yet. My fish (in the morning) also know that I'm going to feed them right after I turn the light on. They are so cute I luv them
yes i have to agree this tropical fish i really smart i feel really close my angel fish and mollies because i can feed them yes they take food from my hand also my turltles......... I love to watch them eat its like my own tv show cooooooooooooooollll!!!!!!!
i would have to agree with all of you, my fish are smart too. my flower horn darts towards the glass every time someone passes by begging for attention. he comes to the top to be fed. and if i rub my hand against the glass in a particular motion he will do sommersaults. my cat fish seems to be pretty dumb though, he doesnt do anything. oh well.
I don't have set times to feed my fish, but whenever I show up my butterfly girl comes to the front expecting that big fly or earwig. When my wife shows up, butterfly comes looking and then disappears disappointed
And the little mosquito fishies learn quickly that pearl gouramies don't want to eat them, while a butterfly fish does. This helps them to survive a couple of days
All depends on your definition of "smart" though... 8)