My Fish Are Dropping Like Flies

Can't answer that question sorry, every tank and fish is different.
Could be two rounds.
Thanks for the advice i will let you know how i get on in the week, anymore advice would be much appreciated.
I picked out 19 dead fish today some of which neve had any signs of white spot mostly neon tetras. Do fish still contract the disease without showing the salt like spots and the fish that are still alive that have it is it worth getting rid of them.
Can you name the fish that have died besides the neons some tetra are very funny with whitespot meds.
Sounds like you could have something else going off in your tank.
The tank hasn't been cycled, unfortunately - it can take the best part of two months. Leaving your tank without doing anything isn't cycling. Be prepared for more losses. What are your water stats?.
2 Black Widow tetras as aforementioned had bad fin rot from the white spot, and a beauty ram which also had whitespot It was really some of the tetras that did not have whitespot and my glass cats or maybe they have fallen off since death. Do you think i should get rid of the rest. Apparently i have since been told i have added to many fish over the period of three weeks to my new tank and this has led to stress, therefore causing the white spot.

Last check at the weekend P.H and nitrate where good not sure to the correct decimal. I know what your saying about cycling can take three months however my last tank was fine had never had the problem with whitespot. Personally speaking i feel i have added to quickly. A hard and expensive lesson learned.
Yes, I'd agree the Whitespot happened because the fish were introduced to an uncycled tank, causing stress, which left them open to the Whitespot. Do you have any fish unaffected by the WS?. You could try to see if the LFS will take them back. What are your latest stats for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrates?.
Hello again, i just took out another dead 9 fish in my tank. Including rainbow, paradise fish, emperor tetras and neon tetras. Thht is 3 days i have been treating with Protozin now. I only have two large plecos, Bull dog Pleco, and a copule others. I have a spare tank do you think i should run keep this running incase of another outbreak then i can put all infected fish in, does this solve the problem or will WS be in the tank at all times. If only one fish is infected with WS and i take it out will this solve the problem?????????
after reading all that has been written, sounds like you have what i had...
and i know only to well how you feel.

mine was down to VERY high nitrate readings which lead to nitrate poisoning, i then went on to do a 80% water change added nutrafin water conditioner (aqua plus) and nutrafin biological aquarium supplement (cycle).

now my fish seem very happy with there almost perfect nitrate levels, i say almost cos NO-one is 100% lol

good luck and hope all goes well
Hello again, i just took out another dead 9 fish in my tank. Including rainbow, paradise fish, emperor tetras and neon tetras. Thht is 3 days i have been treating with Protozin now. I only have two large plecos, Bull dog Pleco, and a copule others. I have a spare tank do you think i should run keep this running incase of another outbreak then i can put all infected fish in, does this solve the problem or will WS be in the tank at all times. If only one fish is infected with WS and i take it out will this solve the problem?????????

If you carry on with the final dose of Protozin (on day 6), then that should fix it; it's done the business for me on the two occasions I've had to use it. You could use the spare tank as a quarantine tank for new fish. If you don't want to do that, when you go to buy new fish, take your Protozin with you, then before the fish bag is tied up just put two drops of Protozin in with the fish. It'll ease the stress of the journey home (something I'm sure contributes to the occurrence of Whitespot) and will give at least minimal protection against WS if you don't have a Q tank). I've done this for the last few years and never had any trouble with WS in new introductions.
Hi that is my first week over Protzin application finished, the remaining fish do not seem to be affected apart form one pleco who still has whitespot and my rainbow shark appears to have a white thing over his eye alomst looks as if he has been blinded in one eye but he never had any whitespot on him, is this WS???. I am going to do a 50% waterchange just now. there is a strong smell coming from my tank is this the protozin or the fact i have had over 30 dead fish rotting in my tank this week. I will carry on with the Ws treatment for another week hopefullt this will clear it totally.
Carry on another week after spots can gone.
Cloudy eye is common with whitespot.
The smell must be from the remnants of the dead fish; I've never been able to smell Protozin, even when opening the bottle.
Thanks for the advice guys i will try another week of Protizin. Will the cloudy eye get better after time or will i need to treat it with anything.

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