My First Trip To The Salty Side!

Thanks seffie btw love your journal only on page nine so far but having a fun read... anyway with the sg... I went to the store and bought some more water and had them test it with me. My NEW hydrometer is off by .06 anyway I'm buying a refractometer obviously I can't rely on this thing and good thing I didn't have salt on hand or I would have caused a problem lol. Will try the photobucket again I tried yesterday but it would not let me paste the img codee...

Edit: any ideas on why my Ph is low should I try to bring it up myself or just see if it takes care of itself?
Do you have a powerhead pointed at the surface? Have you tested the store's saltwater before you put it into your tank? That way you could tell if it is your tank or not.

Woohoo the img thing worked. Anyway this is my enemy ^^ you will be banished lol, i now have about five of these little guys popping up...

No i have not tested my stores saltwater, will do tonight when i get home, as i have a couple gallons sitting left over.

So i came across this on craigslist yesterday.... Ummm if its still available on payday I may not need to be in the nano section anymore lol yeah less than a week and already wanting bigger... lol think the wife may put a stop to this but what a great deal!!!

I'm selling my complete 75 gal. Saltwater fish comes complete with 75 lbs of purple live rock..70 lbs of live sand.a 4 bulb t five light with timer's built in(paid 400.00 4 months ago). A heater. 405 fluvial filter for extra filtration and water movement ..2 hydor wave maker ..has a 40 gallon sump with more live ..sand and liveplants to cut down on nitrates..2 fish lots of snails and craps and shrimps..also lots of mushroom.pollups. few corals. And a green grass. Not sure what's it called...this tank has an over flow in the corner with a custom stand that stands higher for better looking at..also a reverse osmosis filter.tons of filter pads and supplies..great set up but I'm remolding soon and need the gone...asking 475.00 for everything I have

:hyper: :drool:

Im thinking this guy has 2000-3000$ EASY in this tank what a deal! Am checking my apartments crawlspace tonight to check the structure :p still worth it if i buy the system and sell off the LR and stuff and just save it in storage. What do you all think?
Oh and a FTS where is the best place for my Powerhead? I have it removed here while playing around with the location, any suggestions?

Right lets think about this:

Tank is approx 250 litres
Live rock - 75 lbs = 34 k you need at least 27K so thats fine
4 x t5 only four months - so will need changing in two months (if he is telling the truth!)
405 filter - wonder why he has that?
2 hydor power heads - what flow are they?
sump fine (but when you move it you will have to reseal)
What fish?
What crabs?
What live plants?
Sand, you dont want this :sick:
RO unit, what sort, how old, membranes, have they been kept wet, how old?
Fiter pads?
What supplies?
What corals?

Just a few things above to think about and ask - you need to be careful when things seem to be too good to be true, they often are just that, too good to be true!!!

Seffie x
Oh boy too many questions, im gonna wait to bug this guy about that till payday. Dont want to do all the work until I have the money to buy it lol, kinda unsure about starting with a used system tho. Half the fun is doing that part right?

Right now im thinking of just staying in my 10G for a few months until my wifes FW fish grow out of there 29G and using that as my tank until I buy a house (hopefully in the next two years) As i dont want to deal with moving a 75+ gallon tank after it has been all setup. I hope the wife doesnt see what I have planned lol I already have around 150-200 USD in this tank so far, oh the look that I expect to be getting LOL. Thanks for all the help everyone I will be posting often to keep everyone updated!

HARRY: Im obviously not going straight up with the powerhead just kinda skipping the current off the top of the water? If that made any sense to you. :p
Lol Ya i think im getting a little to ahead of myself with a 75G already but you never know i guess i will just keep an eye out tho for a good deal :) Did email the guy tho asking if he would part with a nice chunk of LR to go in my Nano, as you can see the left side is looking kinda empty and his rock looks very nice IMO!
Already posted this in hardware but does anyone think that the screw in 50/50 bulbs will be good for my 10G?

Also is a skimmer neccesary? i found this online.

Please let me know as the light thing is bugging me! THANKS!


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