My First Sw Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 10, 2009
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hey all

this is a few shots of my first sw that came about as a needed tank flip when the roof caved in above my brackish tank months ago

in a rush i did a tank flip and threw my scats into full sw here is the tank months after its fish only since my scats are coral killers

its a 57g custom that holds 4 scats, 2 domino damsel, 3 blue damsel, 3 hermit crabs, 3 starfish, a convict goby, dragon wrase, a purple lobster and a snail of some sorts










the thing that kills me about sw is how the fish an creatures hide in the sand it took over 45 of watching for the dragon wrase till he came out and let me take pics before divin right back in
thank you it has been up for a few months and is sort of my trial tank and i have found that sw was not as hard as i thought it would be
this is my 1st back up tank


168g with 45g sump

this is my 2nd back up


80g bow marineland pondsystem with 35g sump on back

I also have my 180g fresh that is really looking tempting to do a flip on

My fish company is in the midst of registration etc...., and the one primary focal point of it will be education of the consumer on proper care :good:
You are on the lower limits for keeping scats - tank really needs to be bigger than a 55g :good:

The dragon needs at least a 70 g with a good 2/3 inch of sand

There is likely to be a punch up with your dansels :crazy:

Least your convict goby looks happy, understand the can be very entertaining?

When are you planning on moving them to their new bigger homes?

And boy you have a lot of tanks :good:

What filtration you planning on having?

Seffie x

You are on the lower limits for keeping scats - tank really needs to be bigger than a 55g :good:

The dragon needs at least a 70 g with a good 2/3 inch of sand

There is likely to be a punch up with your dansels :crazy:

and what is that eel you have?

When are you planning on moving them to their new bigger homes?

And boy you have a lot of tanks :good:

What filtration you planning on having?

Seffie x


the dragon is a juvi and by the time he needs to be moved the above 168 will be up an running

the scats will as well be rehomed in the same tank

the eel is actually a convict goby

filtration on the 168 will be the 45g sump with an added fluval 404 or 504, personally as a fish keeper i need to over filter my tanks by bare min 30% to 50% so when im done the 168 will be filtered as if its a 235

when it comes to water changes im also weekly religious about it and i only use seachem products as i find them to be best to me
Yes, realised it was a convict ( and edited my comment) after taking another look :good:

How about telling us a bit about yourself - seems you have loads of tanks and art work :good:

Seffie x

Hi and :hi: to the salty side

Your tank seems very interesting but I know nothing about the fish you have :blush:

I take it from your photos you have a few FW set ups already

My fish company is in the midst of registration etc...., and the one primary focal point of it will be education of the consumer on proper care :good:

Bit confused by this though, are you in the trade? as for education on proper care will this be SW or FW (you say this is your first SW set up :unsure: ) and what form will it take. Sorry for all the questions but Just found it an interesting comment :good:
i am running in total 15 tanks used to be 23 but in the midst of moving stuff for the fish room build, the fish building build and the upgrade at the restaurant to nothing under 100g

I actually am running 3 sw , the one i showed , a 35g which I have a green spotted puffer that i converted to full sw, and my 65g dragon goby tank

I did not want to seem a show off or anything so i decided to just show my restaurant and my 1 sw, been doing fw for a long time.

since I have a restaurant in a university its a perfect match lots of time to make sure the tanks are top notch, and a menu concept that is easy for me to put together in a fashion that staff can reproduce without screwing up. which, in turn allows me the freedom to pursue my passion for fish which is cheaper if i turn it into a business

for setting up the 168g i have secured the help of the person who owns and i also just bought a 120 starfire set up.
well i found out one thing about sw thats a little different than fw

my electric blue crayfish leaves my fish alone in my 100g
but in this one my purple lobster just ate my coral banded shrimp grabbed onto him and pulled him into his cave and smoked him like cheap cuban cigar

i find sw most fascinating for its movement and vibrancy of life and as well for the total brutality that some fish have
How about telling us a bit about yourself - seems you have loads of tanks and art work :good:

Seffie x


Ok since you asked LOL, I will tell you a bit, but just a bit!!!

well as you can tell by my screen name im a chef and by my pics you can see my restaurant, the pics sorta show a work in progress as we had a most interesting first year here with a very interesting dishonest ex business partner. I will make sure to post pics of the end product when we are all done

have always loved fish tanks and the aquaria hobby, it is only in the past 6 monts that I have actually delved into sw, for a couple of reasons. Always wanted to keep a sw and from all the studies I have done the conclusion was always the same for a lfs KEEP A KILLER SW SUPPLY AND YOU WIN!!

people may ask how I can keep so many tanks an run a restaurant at the same time, well there is the beauty of this location, its a university location so quite the easy fast service menu. what more could a chef of 30+ years ask for but a location like this that frees me up from being chained to my restaurant. I shut down my other restaurant Fratelli's Caffe and my other catering company A Joy To Serve to come do this. Was sort of hard to put down both of them when i had spent 5 and 7 years respectively to do them, but, given the chance to grab this locale for sure decision made.

After all my long range plans are focused on formulating a franchise concept and what better a test kitchen than here on a university campus where one gets a shot at what society will be in 5 years but actuallly exists in a microcosm right here an now, I can try recipes for soups, sandwiches, pastas etc.... and see how it goes.

Add to this that my wife an I have 7 kids with more to come if god so sees to send them, what better than a location that really takes only a solid 4 hours outta my day to run and leaves the rest so that my staff can run it? And saturdays are really a total wash out in terms of business but a good day to do my waterchanges and surf the net or do the fish forum stuff.

Which brings me to my fish company, as I took a good look at what the lfs and chain fish stores are about here in regina, I took notice of a huge huge huge hole in the market that they are not really hitting or even trying to hit. THE NEEDS OF THE SERIOUS HOBBIEST!!!!!

So I spent about 6 months studying what I perceived to be a good business and lookie lookie for sure it is. So I spent the time looking for suppliers in the states who could ship to my location, as well as looking for suppliers who could ship to me from both sides of canada. I checked into the legalities of bringing fish in and exporting fish out only to find out that this hole in the market is not just situated in regina but is so wide that it spans the prarie provinces.

My next step was to go on a massive used tank buying spree getting all the tanks I could find and try to see if some of the recipes i came up with for successful mass maintaining of tanks work and they do, next step was to come up with a name which i searched and found the only reference on the net to exist is the one time i used it in chat, so i got the biz, com and ca domain names reserved. Next step was to get the provincial name search done, and register the company(thats done now). Next step will be to get the name for all the provinces of canada and all the states in the usa so that any future chain formats I come up with will be locked tighter than fort knox, after all how can you sell someone a franchise if the name is not available in their location.

The main thing about me is that I am a crazy bugger who only knows one speed of life INTENSE AND FULL OUT!!!!

I have also come up with one area where pet stores seem to miss the mark they jack up the cost of their tanks so much it is not even funny, personally I believe that if I can make it so people can get into the hobby without breaking the bank that they will become longstanding customers. To this end I made inquiry into the various suppliers and came up with the most affordable way to get tanks to people make them ourselves. To do a 5 foot by 18 inch by 2 foot tank here costs 225 for half inch glass so why not make a work shop to put the tanks together and sell it to people for moderate mark up and bam got a customer on line and the fish catch the people. Now concerning the fish, I asked to see peoples sumps and central filter systems and was totally shocked at the under gunning that most of these places have for filtration, I mean in my books where I will really make the money is in selling my stock, and the various stuff to feed them treat them etc..., does it not make sense to make sure I have a good filtration system to keep my fish alive and not lose them to bad water quality in my storefront.

here is some of the stuff(dont need to show much more to give the idea) I got to start my smaller room off with

i have 2 of these
for my sw


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