my first spawn!!!!!!!!

If you set your mw culture in a hot area they will grow faster. I boil water on the stove and then set my culture on the range top next to it a couple times a day and they really go at it. Just don't do this too much without splitting your culture or it will go bad quickly ;)
Hi bettaboi. How is your frys doing? :) Do up date, please. Forgot to tell you the I used fungus clear tank buddies by jungle. It does a good job to clear fungus and bacteria fast. I use less dose than it mentioned. I do put it in after the babies started to learned how to eat. I have no problems for the eggs getting fungus because the water are very clean when I start the process. Hope this help you on the way.:)
infant340 said:
goodluck w/ the fry
hey bettaman i thougth 2Xs a day was the minimum...maybe i was reading the wrong stuff...
they will survive two times a day but any young fish will be on the hunt for food it instinct to do so, i dont find any bbs in the tank feeding on 4 times a day, sometime if i use microworms i only do twice as the fry can miss them....... :eek:
ok you guys ive been real busy with school and other stuff sry it took so long to update but they are a week and 2 days old ive been feeding them egg and microworm mixture and i just started a bbs culture but they look about the sze of the bbs :lol: they are kinda bein lazy and layin on the bottum is that normal im gunna take two out and put them in seperate jars to see if they grow better well thats really all i can say
Do you have aeration in the tank? They need an oxygen source...and they will need one in jars, too. Jarring them is likely to stunt their growth, not make them grow faster.

Also, you should be doing lots of water changes. If you aren't, they may become sick or grow more slowly.
They're nowhere near large enough to jar. You need to change the water in the grow out everyday if possible. Definately clean the bottom every day. If you're too busy you should have thought about that before hand. They're here now and relying on you for their well being. BBS should increase their growth lots.
Have to agree with Cation and Wuv about the water changes. 50% everyday is what I did and they seemed to double in size overnight when I started the BBS :alien: I don't think jarring just yet would be right for them :no: even though people say they grow faster when jarred as I've found that the guys that I jarred at 7 weeks old are still a bit smaller than the 2 that are in a divided 10 gallon with their dad :dunno:

Good luck with these guys and keep us updated

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