My First Spawn!

YAY! I can't wait, Kara! ^^ Now you'll be asking me for advice... heheh.

Nitro is a VERY hunky Betta boy, and I'm sure they'll make some adorable babies (of which I will definitely need a few!!!). I'd vote Blaze, because I lurve PK's, but you really cannot go wrong with Nitro!
OK I'm a bit confused....if you take a full PK and a CT/DTx...wouldn't that be just like breeding a doberman/chowX with a full great dane...and the puppies that resulted would be a mix of all 3 genos?

Wouldn't that make the fish a PK/CT/DT mix...with the possibility of that fish exhibiting a mix of, all ,or one of those tail types, just like the puppies from the above mentioned mix would be dobie/chow/dane them the possibility to exhibit the characteristics of a mix of, one, or all of the breeds in it's now bloodline?

...Which fish is CT/DT?
Nitro is CT x plakat, whether it was DT plakat or not I dunno (Wuv?)
The female is full plakat with DT geno.

Mixing tailtypes isn't like mixing dog breeds because the genetics are Mendelian... it's easy to work out the ratios of what to expect out of a cross if you know the background of the fish.

Assuming Nitro doesn't carry DT, you would expect out of the cross:
25% long-finned (probably delta)
25% plakat
25% CT geno plakat
25% CT geno long-finned (like Nitro)
all would be plakat geno.

If he DOES carry DT it's basically the same thing, except 25% of each of the outcomes would also be DT, 50% would be DT geno.
With a cross like that you're not gonna get many "purebreds" the first generation, but if you're planning to start a CT plakat line there's no harm in that :p

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