Fish Crazy
Hello! Welcome Apple, named by my six year old. It's our first snail actually!
shiny...Hello! Welcome Apple, named by my six year old. It's our first snail actually! View attachment 137789
just get normal cuttlebones, they might be cheaper.I put a "wondershell" in the tank, I think it's just a cuttle bone shaped like a shell, is there one you use which you think is better?
keep it in thereI just got him today, but same as I feed the plecos- blanched zucchini, carrots, cucumber, I read spinach is another option for the snail, (we're a vegetarian household so we always have fresh produce anyway) already have spirulina and algae discs also, the cuttlebones are probably cheaper, I'll do that next time I'm out how long do you think I should leave the cuttle in there? Until its eaten or a should I remove and replace every so often?
yes, feed it fresh blanched veggiesLfs told me it's just been eating biofilms but I want the snail to thrive so I'm investing as much as I can into its care- any advice is welcomed