Well, do you knwo anytihng about plants? Did you not water them enough? Plants have special compartments in their cell's that hold water. That water hold the plant upright. When the tnak is to hot, or they arent water enough, they use up that water and "wilt". If you dont water them soon after ward, then they will die, which we all know, it is impossible to bring things back from the dead! Im guessing, that your one plant, got more coffee than the other's, and used up the water, and the other plant(s), didnt get enough and died. Coffee is a very good( tasting!) fertilizer, and your one plant should flourish. You might want to try maybe a dwarf orange tree( prune it), as it is native to where anoles are, and they smell really good( the flowers), they have pretty leaves and dont need waterd as often. You cna order them for like 5 dollars( plus shipping and handeling). Here is a pic of mine( bought it in florida on vacation!):
They are farily easy to take care of( and love coffee grinding's!). Mine is supposed to grow to 12 feet. But you can buy some that get like 4 and if you prune it, it will fit in your tank. Just a suggestion. Also, maybe some kind of geranium, ours can handle summer( 90 degree day's), with only a few waterings. Sorry, i know to much for my own good!