My First Little Girl *pictures*


Fish Fanatic
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
Northeast Ohio
Okay so here's the story:

Me and the hubby went to the grand opening of a new Super Walmart that just opened near the old Walmart (now closed of course). I had begged all day because I wanted to see if they were still carrying live fish. They are.

So I walk past the ich infested overstocked tanks and see a couple bettas left. A male and a little girl. I picked her up (I've been looking for a girl unsuccessfully for months now) and she poofs (not flare lol) at me showing me her fungal infection and beautiful rays. Yes, she's a CT!!!!!!!! I frown because she's the only one left there and very sick. So I take her with me and walk a little further down only to find a site that completely broke my heart. There's about a dozen cups all with dead or dying males and one very very still CT Cambodian female. God, it felt like finding a group of starving orphan puppies and having to choose which one was gonna have a chance at life. sader1.gif

So I chose the first girl I found (purple body, red fins) and marched to customer service. Once there my plan was to ask for a discount or if they wouldn't sell her to me I would ask to adopt her since they weren't gonna make profit off a dead fish as it is. They didn't want to sell her to me but I said it'd be at my own risk and that all their bettas looked like her or worse so if they weren't gonna sell any of them I'd gladly take them all (I don't know what I would have done then but I was trying here lol) They agreed to a discount after I made my case with 3 employees and a manager. The manager was very ignorant asking me if she was pregnant but my hubby could barely stifle an "are you serious" before I quickly answered politely and said bettas don't get pregnant. So for $1.50 I brought her home with me. She made it through the night and ate this morning so I think she's gonna be fine.

Pictures! But camera phone pics so be warned, they are crappy lol:

Pretty rays!

You can see the fungus at the bottom of her anal fin:

What you lookin at?

I'm hiding behind my pink plant

What do you all think?
She's lovely and I'm sure you'll get her better in no time. Good on you to for speaking out :good:
She looks like a great little girl. She's very lucky you came to the rescue. I hope she makes it through. :good:
Thanks! I was a little put off by having to be confrontational but the moment came I took it! She seems to be doing good but I've never had a girl before. She's a bit :hyper: all the time. My boys are laid back for the most part.

Another question, could I put her in a 10 gallon with 4 tiger barbs and 4 zebra danios? Or a 10 gallon with 5 juvenile zebra danios that are about an inch long. She's about 1.5 inches long. There's not much cover in the juvie tank though. I'm thinking of adding some pygmy cories to that tank to help clean up too. Both 10 gallons have a box filter with sponge and gravel for filtration.
Thanks! I was a little put off by having to be confrontational but the moment came I took it! She seems to be doing good but I've never had a girl before. She's a bit :hyper: all the time. My boys are laid back for the most part.

Another question, could I put her in a 10 gallon with 4 tiger barbs and 4 zebra danios? Or a 10 gallon with 5 juvenile zebra danios that are about an inch long. She's about 1.5 inches long. There's not much cover in the juvie tank though. I'm thinking of adding some pygmy cories to that tank to help clean up too. Both 10 gallons have a box filter with sponge and gravel for filtration.

The 10 gallon with the zebra danios will be fine, but the other with the barbs I wouldn't do as barbs tend to be fin nippers. Or you could always get a 5 gallon and start a sorority tank. :hey:
With the personal characters that tiger barbs usually show, there is no way I'd think about putting them together with a betta. My girls are quite active but so are the males in decent sized tanks. I have had "laid back" males before when I kept them in small containers and very small tanks. I now have one in a 40 with some platies, cories and shrimps. He swims around quite a bit but not quite as fast as the platies. The one in the 10 is also quite active and keeps up with his tank mates.
Yay! That means I got a mad awesome deal for $1.50 AND saved a life. Haha! Jokes on Walmart since I knew my new little girl would live when I got a discount for her. She was sick but like my last rescue she recovered in a couple days. I'm treating her for a couple more days with meds and will keep using aquarium salt to promote fast regrowth on her anal fin.

So, kinda a funny question for you all with female bettas, do they ALWAYS poop so MUCH??? She seems like she's always going!!!! I'm cleaning with a turkey baster everyday and doing water changes every other day but I'm just wondering if this is normal? She's also getting eggier by the day, is that okay too?
she will get eggy if she can see the boys. Be careful I had a little girl once who got so eggy she died. I havent noticed mine pooping that much.

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