Hey all guess you all are sleeping till now, its just the time zone thing. No problem my betta is a real possessive male. So went and returned the platys to the bum. That shopkeeper omg, I could write a story on him in shortt those fish are really unlucky. Anyways he said he will refund my money in the evening. I asked him all the things I learnt from this forum, the fish there are just hanging on I guess. Not many customers so guys shop is pretty beaten up.
When I was there I saw a tank filled up with fish I think they where like tetras only had zebra like stripes and base was silver blue. All were fighting and chasing each other. I am thinking of buying the smallest one or two. So that they may survive.
I read that platys go with betta. It maybe my tank size also that the platy had flowing tails which made the betta think its another male .
Anyways should I get the small fish? They are half an inch or slightly longer maybe. What say. Also the name of that fish is long and stars with h I guess they where in the tank with tiger watevers.
I am just afraid that they dont nibble mu bettas fins. I really wish I could add some more small fish in the tank.
I think you've done the right thing taking the platies back, I'm so glad you didn't put them into a pond. It seems to me that you've got a particularly feisty betta, my current one is quite aggressive too, the one I had before that was as docile as pussycat, wouldn't even flare at a mirror.
I strongly suggest that you don't buy ANY more fish for your 20l, as I said before, Bettas are a solitary species, they live alone in the wild, and they won't get lonely in your tank. You MIGHT get away with some small freshwater shrimp in there, but the betta may also think that they are food - again, that's something that has happened to me.
It sounds like the fish you were wondering about buying are Zebra Danios - they aren't fighting, they're playing, that's what they do. They grow to be about 2-2½", they need to be in groups of at least 6, and preferably more, and need a long tank so they can zzzoooooomm around. Lovely fish, but not in your 20l.
Your next priority is to get testing kits for ammonia and nitrite (maybe nitrate as well), so you can tell the quality of the water. Make sure you get liquid-based test, not the strips, as they are SERIOUSLY unreliable.
Have a look down the forum at the Members Tanks section - get some ideas about creating a nice enriched environment in your tank. The betta will like lots of plants to weave in and out of, and to sit on. They really are wonderful fish.