thankyou for your kind words. i have a couple bags of carbon in my filter at the moment and am bidding on a 2nd powerhead on ebay. gonna put it on the back right hand corner near the bottom. im flat broke at the moment, the costs of things for a marine tank add up very quickly. i need a 2nd powerhead, more liver rock, aiptasia medication, couple new t5 bulbs (want more blue) loads more coral, cleaner shrimps/emerald crab..
before i read anything about caulerpa i thought it sounded great, it reduces nitrates and phosphates and it looks cool and natural, then i googled and read some horror stories about how it will take over tanks and "goes sexual" lol. but as you say its probably got an established root system already in the rock so will be impossible to remove. i could just remove the rock itself but ill risk it and see how it grows, as im running skimmerless im guessing it could help to have some caulerpa in the tank anyway.
ive read that about peppermints greg lol, they nip at any and all soft corals