i think that she is as good of a fish owner as the next person.
yes this is the second fish she lost to bad columnaris, but the first one was her fault and she never blamed her roommate. she acidentally left her window open and when she got back one of her bettas (the closest to the window) had really cold water and had culomnaris spots forming. in a panic she added warm water to the cold water to get him out of 58F water. afterwards she learned that the quick increase in temperature caused the columnaris to spread quickly. she tried to save him but he had no chance. like jollysue said... experience although it may be hard on us, is the best way to learn.
as for this fish... her roommate left the window open this time and she tried to help him but with the lack of meds and having to resort to using salt and salt baths until she was able to get to the lfs to get more meds. it was bad luck that the day that she was going to the lfs the fish died in the morning. it was just plain bad luck.
from the same incident one of her other ones got sick. luckily it was the day she was going to the lfs for meds. she treated it and now the fish is doing great. the columnaris spots are gone, he's not flicking and has his appetite back and everything. swimming good and all. and it's only the second day of treatment and the results listed were just from overnight treatment. she is continuing the treatment even though symptoms are gone to ensure that all of it is gone. this doesn't equal a bad fishkeeper or lover to me, does it you?
also as for the fish she is getting to replace the ones she is rehoming... she got the bettas from different lfs' that were in horrid conditions. she nurses them back to health and now she is looking for good homes for them. she has done this many times and as my count has it she has done it about 10 times +. she loves the thrill of getting sick fish at the end of their ropes and nursing them back to health or even giving them a good home (if they're old) so they can live out the last days of their lives in a good home instead of a cup in the lfs or in a cramped bowel that is advertised as being ok for bettas and goldfish to live in. she then finds a good home when they are again healthy or before they pass on.
she isn't getting rid of the fish because she wants to... she is because she has to. she is strapped for cash and room right now. it pains her to even think about losing her fish for any reason.
and how do i know this outside info you ask... well i have read her posts carefully and i know her in person. we met before going to college together and we even occasionally share her computer. although we both use this forum... we have great differences in taste of fish (i like the "oddballs", brackish fish and other "loose ends" of the fish world- she likes bettas and the occasional livebearer).we both try to be active and help people new or old to this forum.
as for loki

you trully will be missed...