My Favorite Betta Is Sick!


Feb 16, 2006
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Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
My favorite betta loki, came down with colmunaris, I noticed it this morning. This is his second time having it. The first time I caught it when it was just a little fuzzy dot starting to form, and hes been fine for almost 2 months now. Well when I went to bed last I did a final check of all of my bettas, and they were all fine, loki was quite happy. Well the temp in my room was at 70 degrees, but with the windows closed it stays at around 75. Well my roommate knows all about fishies and the temps they need. So, just to be a b**** she opened her window after I had gone to bed, and left it wide open all night. Last night the temp outside was at about 20 degrees and when I woke up this morning the room was freezing. My 2 10 gallons had dropped to 72 degrees with heaters in them. The breeding tank had dropped to 75. And all of the betta tanks were a lot colder than that. Well I checked on everyone, and slowly raised the room temp. Everyone was fine except for loki. He has colmunaris all over the right side of his face, his right gill is completely covered. Its moving down his body , covering his dorsal fin. I added some salt to his tank and am treating him with maracyn. But he looks really bad. Hes my favorite boy, I really hope he makes it!!


With the columnaris spreading that fast i would add maracyn one and two, but i would use tetracycline if you have any, as that spreading fast.
Your room mate dosn't sound like a very nice person to make a helpless fish suffer.
oh no! He's getting worse. I'm using maracyn and maracyn 2, salt and some betta remedy. His water temp is 74, he has clean water and everything. But its still spreading, I've never seen it spread this fast before!! I don't know what else I can do, if i lose him I'll be completely heartbroken :-( :-( :-(
Well colummaris can spread like wild fire, if i was you i would report your room mate, or smack him in the face for me, sorry i'm annoyed at your room mate.
Do you live in a dorm? If so, report your roommate, and then make them buy you a new betta.

So sorry about Loki. :(
Sorry that must b awful. R.I.P.
:( bless. he looked a lovely fishy! Sorry for your loss... send your room mate to me I will sort them out!
I say kick the roommate out! Or at least talk to the person who owns the appt/ dorm/ house, whatever it is you are living in.
This is the 2nd one your roommate's habit of leaving the window open at night has killed that you've mentioned on this forum. And yet you're getting more? You also lost another one recently when it jumped out of its tank. Excuse me but something isn't right here. I don't think it's being a downer to be a good citizen and speak up and not go along with being so thrilled when you either contemplate getting another or get another. You seem to have a high mortality rate at your house. I'm not gonna condone your behavior no how no way...and you don't have my sympathy either since you're selling some and getting more and more.
Wow, stop and breath for a second. first of all, I've seen plenty of people who've lost bettas, I don't exactly call 3 deaths in 4 months a high mortality rate. I've talked to my roommate, and we sorted things out. The fish that jumped was hardly my fault. Also yes I'm selling some fish to get more because i want to get into breeding HMs and plakats, so I need to make room. I hardly see that as a crime, plently of people do it. Losing fish is part of the fish world. Yes I was heartbroken when Loki died, he was my favorite, I had a right to be upset. But you hardly have the right to condem me for it. I don't think I've done anything wrong. And yes you are being a downer, nit-picking my post to find something wrong. :< :<
I can kind of see it fr Annie's viewpoint.

It seems like you can hardly take care of the ones you got. . . you're losing some and now you're selling some to make room for betters ones. . . like you're getting a cuter dog and throwing your old dog in the backyard kind of thing.

Eh but it's a free country and you do what you want :lol:

Sorry bout the loss :/ it always sucks to lose fishie.

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