My Emporers


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I had 8 emperor Tetras--4 pairs. It is down to 6--2 pairs. A few days ago I noticed that one of the males was showing behavior that I recognize as illness in Tetras. A loss of balance, bobbing, poor swim control that leads to inability to stay upright. Now a second emporer is starting to show the first signs of trouble.

I have never been able to diagnose this. Whenever I move a fish with these symptoms they die quicker. Can it be helped? It is a large community tank--100 usg. The tank does not do well when treated, and I end up losing more fish. I have a five usg running with some apples in it and I can get a 10 up and running, but had meant to use it for some overstocked bronze Coreys.
Not that I can see. Of course swim bladder comes to mind. But I don't know what to do about it with Tetras. I feed peas occassionally. I am afraid something is in the tank evil. lol

I have a UV unit for the tank but have read pros and cons. And I just have not got it in.

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