My Discus Are Boring

I really like barracudas, I saw some red tail barracudas at a shop near my house, awesome! Pike cichlids are interesting too, at least for me!
I suggest rainbowfish, I always wanted a rainbowfish tank when we had community tropicals for years and I finally got my tank last July, love it to bits!
Not sure about it, but would a few columbian sharks be ok.
Perhaps a breeding pair of Convict Cichlids.

Not sure about it, but would a few columbian sharks be ok.
Perhaps a breeding pair of Convict Cichlids.

Great suggestion! Those are very cool looking. Im not sure if Ive seen them for sale around here often, ill check.


ooh get a bichir or eel and a do it.
what is a lima? dont know that one...
Lima shovelnose catfish I imagine:

Colombian sharks wouldn't be a good choice - they end up fully marine as adults.

Bichirs are beautiful :wub: Most do well with 'common' community fish as long as their tankmates aren't small enough to eat.

If you really want activity, I think some rainbowfish are a good idea - Melanotaenia lacustris and Boesmaniis are my favourites and they'd be fine with your rainbow shark too.

Is the top of your tank completely open (ie: could a fish jump out)? If not, large livebearers like swordtails (check out lyretails) are active and brightly colored and would also work with the shark.

Clown loaches would work as bottom dwellers - for once a tank large enough for a few of them! But I also like zebra loaches and yo-yo which are smaller but equally attractive and active.

Another lovely fish is the torpedo barb though these wouldn't be ideal tankmates for your shark.
I have three congo tetras with rainbow fish and they all get along, and the congo's are lovely fish that get fair size.
I got rainbow fish today for $2 canadian each! wow cheep. The look great too, the store just had too many. I got 5 neons 4 fem 1 male, and 9 others that were unidtentified, I figured for $2 it was worth it and I will take any back(donate) that I want/need to much later. All new fish are 1" to 1 1/2 " long.

What about med/large angel fish(scalare) with small growing rainbowfish ??? I have one large angel and 3 med ones to add from other tanks...If ok...

This in all in a mature 90g 4 foot long, co2 20ppm , ph 7.2-6.9 daily , lightly planted, temp 26.2C, much more plants to come gradually. I have used a powerhead to increase the current substantialy. My new rainbows just fed after 1hr transport, 1hr drip, 15mins in tank!

cheers :rolleyes:

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