My Dad Bought Me A New Betta Of Aquabid!

Thank you (for merging posts and comment). I like him very much too. Mtundu is very generous.

Edit (Sunday Morning): THEY'RE COMMING TOMMOROW!
The bettas didn't come today! So, I called USPS and talked to a lady, which gave me the number to the one my bettas were ariving at and she said they're not arriving till tommorow! I hope they survive, the heat pack is only 30+ (he didn't tell me exactly how many).
If it's 30+ hours, chances are it's 40... the standard numbers seem to be 40 and 60 hours. Assuming the box is well insulated they should make it just fine with a 40 hour heat pack, I wouldn't worry too much about it :)
Really? Thank God. I have the flu and am getting startled by everything and I get very dizzy if I stand for to long. Well, it's 45 degrees out and it's most likely gonna rain today, so that's better than snowing.
THEY CAME! :hyper: All 4 of them alive and healthy. Yes, 4! He included and extra one cause he doesn't want me to breed the copper plakat! They're aclimatizing right now, I have to go to the doctors, so they should be done acclimatizing by the time I get back. I'll post pictures when I get back.
doesn't want me to breed the copper plakat!

y? to keep it a pure breed? (note im new and dont know anyhting bout bettas)
He wants to keep that line pure. Plus, he wants me to breed the Mettalic Green CTPK Male to one of my others, that's why he included it.

Man, he included a lot of stuff. Originally I was only supposed to get:
  • Male Copper Plakat
  • Java Moss
But then it came up to:
  • Male Copper Plakat
  • Male Mettalic Green CTPK
  • Female Copper CTPK
  • Female Mettalic Green CTPK
  • Java Moss
  • Java Fern
Very nice man, he didn't make me pay extra either!
A female copper CT plakat you say? Wanna trade? :lol:
lol, I know you'd want her, but I have pictures now!

Copper Female

Mettalic Green Female

Mettalic Green Male

Copper Male

The copper female and mettalic green male are really small. The copper male is huge, while the mettalic green female is full of eggs!
Sad Update: None of them died, but appearently Cream (the girl I got from Synirr) doesn't like female bettas smaller than her. She attacked my copper ct female! :crazy: She really ripped up her fins, when I found her, she was at the bottom of the tank, gasping for air, so luckly, from when I was 9 I have this 1/2 gallon I can use to heal her, as she's soooo small, she still has a lot of room. I added Doc. Wellfish Aquarium Salt and Melafix. She looks better now, but not her fins. -_-
The one female I have that was used to living alone is still adjusting to living with other females. If she doesn't stop picking on them I'll have to move her. She picks on them, but it's her fins that are ripped up. Your fish are all great looking -- Congratulations!
Sad News: I found my mettalic female dead :-( . I don't know what went wrong, I mean she was absolutely fine this morning, I'm most likely going to ask for another one, as I wanted to breed her so badly. :(

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