my cycle so far


I know you agree
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta,
amonia zero, ;) nitrite 2.0 ;) and nitrate about 110 ;)
the nitrites are going down so
it should only be few days now right?
:D :thumbs:
I wouldnt be worrying about nitrites right now. YOUR NITRATES AH
mrcrabbs said:
I wouldnt be worrying about nitrites right now. YOUR NITRATES AH
if he's doing a fishless cycle then his nitrates are to be expected mine shot to nearly 300+ during my fishless cycle.

Once you're nitrites start comming down it tends to be only a day or two before they bottom out. mine went from off the scale one day to 5ppm the next to 0 the day after that.
so once the nitrites are down it's a huge water change and then some fish right?

and it should only be a day or so

and yes it's fishless
You may need several water changes over a few days (while continuing to feed the bacteria) to get the nitrate in check if you dosed a high concentration during the fishless cycle. Don't just do a water change and go get fish, make sure that the water change reduced the nitrates sufficiently first.
i think once your ammonia is zero, and nitrites are going down, then it will only take a few days. In my case, the whole cycling took approximately 3 weeks. Actually, i just finished cycling myself. Yesterday, the nitrite level was 1.2-1.6 g/ml and I woke up today with 0.
luxum said:
You may need several water changes over a few days (while continuing to feed the bacteria) to get the nitrate in check if you dosed a high concentration during the fishless cycle. Don't just do a water change and go get fish, make sure that the water change reduced the nitrates sufficiently first.
the reccomended 65%+ water change usually is enough. For me I did about 60% then 3 15% changes in 12 hour intervals. after that my plants caught up with things and it's about 20ppm

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