My crappy fish


New Member
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Rhode Island
We were playing with the movie feature on my digital cam. We shot the platies in my quarentine tank. The quality isn't great, but it's a bit amusing.
Take a look at my crappy fish.

Click here

reason for edit: I did the link wrong
rofl......... :sick: WOW HOLY ISH WOW :sick: dude ur fish is crappy. never get rid of that vid send its to americas funniest animals for something. rofl . :rofl: dude u will never get another shot like that E V E R. rofl
nice video :D

those are some long long strands of poo -_- :rolleyes: sorry i notice the weirdest things, but i've never seen a fish poo a strand that long! :blink:
cutecotton said:
nice video :D

those are some long long strands of poo -_- :rolleyes: sorry i notice the weirdest things, but i've never seen a fish poo a strand that long! :blink:
Yeah, I had never seen that before either. I took that video soon after I got them. I think it might have been a combo of stress from being moved and maybe I was using a different food than the LFS. But they are now pooping normal. :)
my platies are ALWAYS carrying streamers like that along after them! Not very becoming for the girls. I reckon the only pause they have from producing poops is when they are giving birth. They cant do both at once..........surely??? :huh: :sick:

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